
Can somebody help me out do itinerary to travel in paris?

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hi guys and gals!! can u help me out do my itinerary in Paris? it's my dream to go there and now that it's about to come true, i want it to be perfect, if possible.. i have 5 days to spend there and i had reserved 1000USD for travelling. that includes my flight ticket from Oslo to Paris and Paris to Amsterdam. i would like to visit all those famous and historic places as possible as i could. i hope u guys could help me, and i would really appreciate if u could also include how i would be able to make it worthwhile without spending too much... thanx pals...




  1. In case you don't know, Yahoo has a 'Trip Planner' tool that is really great for this.  I used it to plan the "perfect" 10-day anniversary trip to Paris for my wife.  If you go to Yahoo Travel, then Trip Planner you can brouse Paris trips to get ideas, copy a trip you like and modify it as your own trip or create your own trip from scratch using the tools.  Its very easy to use and contains most popular hotels, restaurants, things to do, places to see with reviews and descriptions, addresses, and everything you could want to make choices.  You can start by looking at our trip if you like, it is under "Paris" trips and is called "Paris Anniversary Trip" by Paris Traveler.  My trip plan contains everything hour by hour, routes to get you from one place to the next and metro stops, trains etc.  You can read my journal too and get ideas and see lots of photos from all the things we did and saw.  I think you'll like it--257 others liked it so far and it's been copied dozens of times.

    That is the best thing I can offer in the way of help quickly.  Hope you get what you need and have a great trip!

    You can e-mail me if you want more info and I'm happy to help you!

    Bon Voyage and bonne chance!

  2. you HAVE to go to the Socre Coure. I don't know if I spelt that correct.. but it was my favorite experience in Paris. Its a huge basillica in Montmartre ontop of a hill and you can see all of Paris. The area of montmartre...ehhh..I didn't like it, i thought it was dirty. But a lot of people like it in the summer because there are artists all on the streets wanting to sell art for cheap and it's a much...younger area of Paris.

  3. is the cheapest hotel booking @site :

    then i recommend if you visit museum " Le Louvres " , the one below the glass pyramid, right downtown.

    Walk up and down "Champs-Elysees avenue", with "place de la concorde" at the bottom (huge round about) with oldest 4* stars hotel de Crillon on your left.

    Then you can visit the only island on the "Seyne river"...ile Saint-louis and biggest cathedral in town  " Notre-dame".

    Basically, everywhere is beautifeul inside Paris and metro easy to use.

    Garden at metro  "tuileries or Luxembourg"

    Old castle at Versailles. Traditionnal restaurant at metro chatelet-les-halles called " le pied de cochon"

    Best club in town   "le REX-club"


  4. I just got back from Paris about 2 weeks ago...I have family there and have been a few times.

    Things you should know to save money....

    - Most of the Museums in Paris are FREE the first Sunday of every month - this would include the Lourve.  

    - If you're staying outside the city and you travel via the SNCF trains, your ticket from that train will work on the Metro for one ride.

    - You can also save money by walking around the city.  If you plan your day, you'll see more and will enjoy the walk!  

    - Food is expensive in Paris.  The tip is included in ALL bills at restaurants.  If you like, you can leave a 1 euro tip.  But you do not have to.  

    - You can save money by eating at Starbucks - there are about 5 of them in Paris I think - or eating at a place similar to an Au Bon Pain.  (Not sure if the chain is regional to the Northeast of the US.)  I was spending about $25 for 2 to eat lunch.  Dinners we generally ate with family so that one is more difficult to say what the cost would be.

    - It's become popular to rent bikes in Paris to get around.  I don't remember the cost but you can rent them anywhere in the city - there are bike racks with them in all the tourist areas.  I remember that I wasn't shocked by the cost to rent the bike.  Next time I go, I'll likely do that for a day.

    As far as places to visit...everyone will recommend the Lourve and it is very beautiful, but I would also recommend the D'orsay.  I found that museum to be much more beautiful.  Also, pick up a tour book and read it.  I depended on family prior to this past trip and I bought a travel book for the kicks.  I found a few things that I enjoyed.  (You can tour the Paris sewer system!  If you're into engineering, it's really cool and doesn't smell as bad as you think.)

    The most important part about visiting Paris is taking the time to sit, relax and watch the day go by.  There's too much to see in one trip so don't try to see everything.  If it's warm enough, sit and relax in one of the many parks!

    Enjoy your trip!

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