
Can somebody help me please???

by  |  earlier

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I'm from Spain and i want to study in USA. I'm studying informatic engineering and my dream is going to study and live in USA, but my english is not very well and i know nobody there. So i would like to meet people of USA, overall university students, for improve my english and make friends. Would somebody like to be my friend??




  1. You can do it 2 ways,

    Join some english training course in your country

    or some US Universities offer you admission if your willing to take extra courses for increasing english proficiency!

    Good luck!

  2. I will be your friend.

    Hola amigo!

    I actually studied in Barcelona (Universided de Barcelona) for 9 months..and I don't really speak spanish..yet I understood everything at school. That is because the courses were designed for people who were at my level of spanish.

    You need to find a program in Spain that will allow you to go to the US which will accomidate your English speaking needs.

    I went with a program called CEA..find them in Barcelona and give them a call.

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