I am writing a short commentary on particular golf training aid and English is not my first language. Can somebody please help me to bring these two paragraphs in digestible form?
“The point of impact—the moment of truth—is the hearth of every golf stroke. If somebody has a heart disease, one cannot simply treat some peripheral organs, like for example livers or kidneys, and expect that the hearth will automatically be cured. Of course, it is important that these organs are healthy, as they can also affect the heart negatively. However, if there is heart disease, the heart has to be treated DIRECTLY.â€Â
“Any golfer that understands that, as for any valuable thing in life, some effort, some austerity is necessary. A beginner has a lot of space to improve his average point of impact radius. An accomplished player can improve it maybe for two or three millimeters. This brings more constant feeling at the impact and consequently more trust in ones shot.â€Â