
Can somebody help me with figuring out this reoccurring dream?! ?

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In almost every dream I have there is 2 or more guys chasing me, they scare me in the dream so I am guessing that they are trying to hurt/kill me. I can never see their face clearly, sometimes [like the other night] they have suits on. The other night it was different, instead of 2 or more, there was 1 guy in a black suit [white collar, black tie] chasing me, but this time the guy caught up to me and hand cuffed me to himself.

Sometimes its a few [like maybe 4, i cant make it out-- unclear] guys that stop next to me in a van when I'm walking, and try to take me in.

When I have these dreams, I usually get away, but there have been times where they catch me.

Can somebody help me and tell me what this means?

The fact that I keep dreaming this kinda creeps me out.

thanks very much.




  1. These kinds of dreams, being chased, running for your life etc... are dreams of persecution, meaning, you feel you are being wronged.  Basically, in real life, someone is on your case.  You are not able to do as you want or someone is ranting about you and your affairs.  That's all it means.


  2. I would say that you feel your ready to grow up and/or move out and start a new life, but every time you make some progress in moving on, either some people in your life or some responsibilities you have force you to stay in the position of life you're at right now.

  3. that sucks

    i always have this really scary dream too..

    only it has nothing to do with creepy men

    but i wiggle one tooth in my dream && they all fall out && i even say to myself in the dream "oh ive had this dream before && this isnt a dream!" and i don't wake up to find all my teeth still there till the next morning lol.

  4. I have dreams like that sometimes i think maybe ur having the dream because of something u did or might had happens a while back

  5. the suit suggests something formal, is there an event coming up your avoiding or dreading?

  6. wow thats scary.

    and plus, speaking of this, dreams may tell you that this may occur sometime in your life, and sometimes dreams can mean nothing and your just having the dream for no reason at all. dream repeating is a problem of mine too and sometimes i have the same dream once in a while. i hope you don't have that dream anymore. good luck.

  7. i had something like that to except i was being robed and he found me but that is my fear, you prob. have a fear of men attacking you or hurting you. Work through your fear.

  8. Frustration or stress could be the catalyst for this reoccurring nightmare. Is there something difficult or tedious that you are currently involved with or are planning to undertake? Is there a source of on-going stress that you are battling each day: tough job, bad school, family member with illness that you see daily but can do nothing for?

    I've had nearly identical dreams where people in authority with dark-colored uniforms chase me in the woods.

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