
Can somebody help me with this dream?

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About a year ago i had a very weird dream and its been puzzling me since. I usually sleep with my pillow over my eyes (just more comfortable). So one night i woke up (the pillow was over my eyes) and i couldn't move at all and i felt like 2 or 3 people were over my bed looking at me and i thought i could hear them talking. So i started to freak out and i could barely move my eyes and the only part of my body i could move was my shoulders so i start to move them as fast as i could and i was trying to scream and i couldn't scream, and then it all stopped and i could move again, and i don't know what happened, could someone please help




  1. Maybe you were dreaming still and hadn't quite woken up yet. That's happened to me before.

  2. That happened to me once.

    I was awake, but my eyes were closed and I couldn't move my body. I thought I died!

  3. maybe in the dream you were in some sort of coma and it might happen in real life

  4. Maybe you were just wrapped particularlly tightly in you blanket, and translated the physical feeling into your dream.

    I know that (the opposite of you) if I accidently cover my face with my pillow, I feel like I can't breathe in my dream, or someone is choking me.

  5. thats happened to me before omg i know exactly what your talking about... some ppl say its called the devil is riding your back...i know sounds weird but it happened to me. its soo crazy.. i was really scared i couldn't talk, move nothing its like i was being held down and forced to wait until someone let me go. when i could actually move again i grabbed my pillow and ran into my sisters room and slept with her... i was soo scared i really didnt want to go back in my room,it never happened again though this happened about 6 or 7 months ago but i remember it like it was yesterday. lol it was just really weird.

  6. You were not in a coma at all, theres a term for it and its

    Sleep Paralysis. where you are not able to move certain or all parts of your body!

    Its nothing to be concerned about at all..  Now i can go into major depth on this but i chose not to and will be brief.

    When we sleep or close our eyes our body enters a state known as alpha state where the brain waves start to slow down until we hit a deep state of sleep.  

    When you say you woke up you probably experienced something called OBE Out of the Body experience.  Meaning you were coming out of sleep and were on the 50/50 state of being away and sleeping.

    People who are in OBE out of the body experience are able to do really bizzare things like see what people are doing in real life but when you are sleeping or in a 50/50 sleep.  

    It has also been proven scientifically that one person left his body under a test condition and was able to read a certain chapter from a book locked away in a small safe! and recite the paragraph and page number back when he woke up.

    So to the point the people you seen over you doesnt mean its you! but you may have been looking down on someone else or something that has happened to that person, think of what the people looking down on you if it was you could of been of?

    Try and remembe what the people were saying..  It all maybe something important.

  7. well i had that dream it felt real though but i never found out what it meant

  8. You were suffering from sleep paralysis. Next time try not to get so scared and take a look at the people who are surrounding you, ask them who they are !i I know it's scary at first, but the more it happens the more you will get used to it !i

  9. i'd need to know more before i say anything. i think i can help you. please go to my page and email me if you want help.

  10. That happened to me once without the pillow.  I do not know if you pray but if it happens again, begin to pray and ask GOD what is it.  Best advice I can give.  Something is trying to hold you back and prevent you from doing something.

  11. it happens :]]  i have weird dreams too :]]  mabe ur too used 2 sleeping with urpillow over ur eyes [[ya, it is comfy :]]  lol but mabe u should try sleeping in a diffrent position thats comfy [[my tummy or right side facing the wall ]]  4 me :]]  i reallyhope i helped :]]

  12. in this case.. i can say that a person is conrolling u or will control u .....u will want to do something (u were trying to move) but u cant .... the only thing u can do is to speak (ur shoulders) but it wont help u....

  13. this is where both parts of your brain are trying to work at the same time the subconscious and the conscious no biggie i have did this plenty of times, you body doesnt know what to do, you just have to sit it out until the conscious side of your brain takes back over the subconscious

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