
Can somebody help me with this very important question,please?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to know why african american/african people start to get really scared & run away when i play the drums?I am thinking it is a tribal thing since I do have native american (cherokee) ancestry running through my veins and I am very proud of it,but are they really that undeveloped as a human being,or are they really human at all,why are most so uncivilized,questions,questions,question...

p.s.i am not a racist at all i am just wondering about somethings and just trying to understand so i dont become a racist,thats all!




  1. Well, I think you kind of crossed the racist line when questioning if African-Americans were human beings. You shouldn't generalize like that and say such terrible things about an entire race.  

  2. It's just because you drew attention to yourself, they realized you were a racist idiot, and wanted to be away from you.

  3. Even though the question and details were very hypocritical. Some people don't like drums, it might be just the group of people you play for. You shouldn't generalize a race unless your complementing them, we are all people and it has nothing to do with our skin color; (did you know that they're is a clinical studies that native american teens were at the highest rate for suicide in the past 10 years, how would you like it if I called you emo because of it, or made fun of the tribal cultures in your bloodline) and to tell you the truth, if some stranger ran up to me playing bongo's I would run away too! Or maybe you just play badly! Ha ha! Try doing research about your area, maybe they're is a group of people who are very cultured with ancient ways.  

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