
Can somebody other than Catholic be the monarch og briton?

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Can somebody other than Catholic be the monarch og briton?




  1. .

    there will never be a catholic monarch in Britain they tried once and failed

    the catholic King Philip of Spain attempted to invade England. but the gods with the help of mother nature put an end to that

  2. Well actually it is illegal for a catholic to ever be King or Queen of Britain as the law currently stands.  As it stands you must obviously be of Royal Descent and you must also be a Protestant.

  3. Catholics can't.  The official religion is Church of England.  I think that is Presbyterian.

  4. you got that backwards. the British Monarch has to be Protestant, by law.

  5. I don't really understand your question. It is not permitted for a Catholic to be Monarch.

  6. The British monarch must be Church of England protestant.

  7. Isn't it about time we got rid of the world's monarchys all together?!

  8. Catholics are not allowed to be the Monarch

  9. In the strictest sense of the word "protestant' The C of E is not a protestant faith.  But to answer your question, the monarch cannot be Catholic.

  10. Actually, Catholics aren't allowed to ascend to the throne.

  11. I think you need to do a little more research before posting questions. The truth of the matter is that a Catholic cannot be monarch.

  12. Officially the established church in England is the Church of England which is both catholic and reformed - the result of history and politics. . After James II, an act of parliament, purposely drafted to exclude Roman Catholics  from the succession to the Throne was made law and is an outstanding example of State sectarianism in a country that outlaws discrimination against g**s and ethnic minorities as a matter of course but prevents many other British citizens their full rights. Fortunately, the Act of Settlement may be tested at the Court of Human Rights.

  13. The religion question is just one reason we need to get rid of this outdated institution. And no, you certainly can't be king/queen if you are a catholic.

  14. The line of succession to the British Throne is an ordered list of the people in line to succeed to the throne of the United Kingdom. The succession is regulated by the Act of Settlement 1701, which limits it to the heirs of the Electress Sophia of Hanover, as determined by male-preference primogeniture, religion, and legitimate birth:

    - A person is always immediately followed in the succession by his or her own legitimate descendants (his or her "line"). Birth order and gender matter: older sons (and their lines) come before younger sons (and theirs); a person's sons (and their lines), irrespective of age, all come before his or her daughters (and their lines).[

    - The monarch must be a Protestant at time of accession, and enter into communion with the Church of England after accession.

    - Anyone who is Roman Catholic, becomes Roman Catholic, or marries a Roman Catholic is permanently excluded from the succession.

    - A person born to parents who are not married to each other at the time of birth is not included in the line of succession. The subsequent marriage of the parents does not alter this. Under British law, a child born to a married woman is assumed to be the child of her husband.

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