
Can somebody please answer this question?

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Why are some people on Yahoo! Answers such jerks?

(I know for sure I'm going to get smarta** answers for this one)




  1. If you are referring to the wind up merchants then its because some people are bored and would like nothing better than to bait people into a reaction. They are known as flamers or trolls. They thrive on winding people up. They abhor being ignored.

    SO you know what to do to get them annoyed don't you?? IGNORE.

  2. Because they can say things to you that they couldn't say in person they can say anything they want and you can't do anything about it they are the better person lalalala. really i finding it annoying too, i act the same way online then i do in person.

  3. Because they think that being like that will make them look smart and cool

  4. I think we all wonder the same thing when we first try Yahoo Answers. Part of it has to do with the section you are using. I can use one section and be treated like an old friend. I go to another section and get treated like....well....bad.......I'm pretty blunt in my answers sometimes, but they are not mean spirited. I see quite a few others that answer the same way. Then there are the real jerks and the only thing I can think of is they are jerks here because they CAN be. It's all anonymous. People behave however they please.

  5. They just are.  Some folks have nothing better to do but make other's lives more miserable.  I really despise when you give an honest, decent answer and you get reported.  YA! does not review appeals at all (just found this out).

  6. It's just the way people are....

  7. because they are jerk in the real world too !

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