
Can somebody please give me a clear breakdown of Feminism?

by Guest58217  |  earlier

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Feminism is a complex development but poeple don't use the term with care. I believe it began with the woman's vote, to the point of today, which quite clearly undermines men. Please could someone explain in detail the various levels of feminsim.




  1. The first women's right meeting took place in 1849 in a place known as Seneca NY; ending in the 19th amendment, which was passed in 1919; thus the beginning and end of 1st wave feminism.  However, the term feminism was coined in 1906; the point can be argued; only know this; it was coined long after 556 BC.  So then in the 1960s we move along to the 2nd wave, which lasted way into the 1980s; the period when a lot of woman were getting rather tetchy about staying home and looking at four walls; just because society said so; with their only downfall being they hadn't attracted as many women as they thought they would.  So, it came back with the 3rd wave which it began in the 1990s; to see if it could recruit more women; only to find out their target audience; women are still resisting. Feminism undermines man or woman who does not adhere to or speak most eloquently of its ideologies.

  2. Women wanted equality, got it and now want superiority.    

    "When someone is in the cold, those who are warm cannot understand." *

  3. Oh God shoot me in the head for reading these answers.

    Feminism is ridiculous...

    The right to vote is great then we jump to the womens liberation movement which is code for s***w everything that walks.

    Now these feminists still moan about inequality but want men to understand their feelings...

    Why do we just call it what it is?

    You feminists want to become the man and have men become women...

  4. How interesting that the only people who have answered your question are men, and that they also "coincidentally" attack it. Notice that they never define it. That's probably because they know nothing about it.

    Feminism is a social movement for gender equality. What that means varies according to the type of feminist you ask. Liberal feminists believe that gender equality can be achieved within the current social order-- that women can work the same jobs as men, ought to be paid the same as men, and should not experience things like sexual harassment or discrimination. Marxist feminists believe that women's labor is exploited under a capitalist economic system from which men benefit. They believe that women will only be equal to men when the capitalist economic system is destroyed. Cultural feminists believe that our media representations of women are objectifying and degrading. They call for less sexualized and submissive representations of women. Radical feminists believe that gender inequality pervades all aspects of society, and that in order to rid ourselves of gender oppression we must create a new social order in which the meanings we attach to gender categories change or are superfluous. There are many other distinctions that can be made between feminists, but the important commonality among them is a believe that (1) gender inequality exists and (2) it ought to be changed.

    Many people think that feminism is no longer needed today because men and women have already achieved equality. Sadly, that's just not true. Women make less money than men with similar skills, are portrayed in the media as sexual objects, bear most responsibility for household tasks and child-rearing, frequently experience sexual harassment and rape, and are victims of domestic violence. Although men occasionally experience these things, they experience them significantly less often than women. Social science demonstrates time and time again that American women are at a tremendous disadvantage when compared to men on nearly every measure of well-being. Things are even worse when we look at gender inequality around the world.

    I am listing some websites below that have data demonstrating gender inequality. Although I could list many sources for countless issues, I hit on just a few major topics.

  5. Totally missed the point of feminism....try again.

    Earliest example I can think of is from 500 BCE.

  6. Feminism is said to have occurred in three waves. The first wave started with the right to vote. The second wave started with women's lib movement in the 70s, which aimed to elevate and encourage women's status. The third wave started I believe in the 90s and is still occurring today, which aims at revealing and overcoming the sources of gender bias and recently has begun to develop into a movement for g**s, lesbians, and transgendered.

    Within each wave, there were many different types of feminists. Even from the beginning there were those that believed that women were superior and should not mingle with men unless absolutely necessary. Some even implied that lesbianism was the only true feminism. These feminists are referred to as radical feminists. There are also moderate feminists who believe that men and women are equal and should be allowed equal rights in every respect. There are also what I like to call separatist feminists that believe that men and women are inherently different, but that each is equally important.

    There is a growing movement to try to "save the boys" from the same indoctrination that is said to weaken girls. Specifically, it aims to allow boys to express more feelings, and to reduce the level of violence among boys and young men. But this is fairly new and I don't know much about it.

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