
Can somebody please help me, im at a loss?

by Guest44757  |  earlier

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okay so i moved provinces away from my mom to move in with my dad, and his girlfriend and her two kids, while my brother stayed with my mom...

i have never been happy living with them.

i feel like im loosing a huge part of myself, and i am never good enough for my dad, cause he just expects me to be more and more and always points out my flaws

hes also a triatholon person so hes very active, and expects me to follow in his footsteps

now my brother is deciding to move here, but my mom is basically broke,

and i finally got settled but now my mom wants me to come back or she will get no child support to get back on her feet..

now i love my mom, and she actually notices me, but i dont think i could come back to school here because i never had any friends and this girl is bullying me with all her friends and they always try to hurt me physically but the cops wont do ****..

so basically... what do i do

cause i want to move out west with my mom..but she cant do that for a year or what not

soo what should i doo...

i feel like im letting down my familyy ;(




  1. You are a child and should not be burdened with your parents financial problems.  It is not up to you to solve their problems.  I would suggest that you stay with your father, until your mother is in a better financial position.  Don't let your mother make you feel guilty.  She will be able to work two jobs, since there are no children at home, and she can find a small place to stay in until she can get on her feet.  I have done it, with two children living with me, and no child support.  I did not ask my children to feel sorry for me, I worked 2, and sometimes 3 jobs to support them.  Your mother is being unfair to you.  Just tell her that you love her, but you can not deal with the school situation there.  If she continues, tell her that you had rather not talk about it anymore, because there is no other choice for you.

  2. You won't be letting down your family, do what you want to do. If you want to live with your mum, go for it. Your dad is being a bit of a muppet really, as for the bullies ignore them, join clubs at school to become more sociable and make new friends. Good luck!

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