
Can somebody please help me? basketball

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I have been in basketball since 3rd grade and i have played every year so far in highschool...this is my senior year and I'm pretty sure I want to quit. Last year was so hard for me because I tore my ACL the year before. After every game last year I would be so upset because I Played so much different(worse) after I came back from my injury. My parents are soooo upset....they are saying things like "This is your senior year, why dont you just finish it?", "I cant believe you want to quit after you have done this your whole life."...My dad took basketball so seriously and when I told him I'm tired of it, he couldnt even look at me. Both parents are disappointed. I just want to be happy. I'm not quitting because of the coach or because of a specific person or anything, I just want to sail through my senior year without doing basketball. It's so stressful. Please any advice?




  1. Before you quit really focus on why you have played for all these years. you wouldnt have played this long if you really didnt enjoy basketball. look at all the good things and then the bad things if you think your going to miss the good things more then the dislike the bad things then consider staying. if you work hard and focus on basketball you can get back. I had a MCL injury, then 3 IT band injures, and now and petellar injury and Im still trying my hardest at all 3 sports i do. dont let an injury, excpecially an old injury stop you from playing. but if your really going to quit find somthing else you can do so you wont be bored like another sport or a club.

  2. everyone goes through up's & downs

    even the great Mj

    all i can say is follow ur heart

    explain 2 dad that basketball is not for u anymore

    he'll have 2 get over it

    one day

  3. tell your parent what u really think. u can convince them with what other things u r planning to do.

    maybe u can convince them with this article

  4. It might be a smoother transition if you had something to replace basketball. That way it wouldn't feel like quitting, but more of a transition to something else. Parents feel like it is part of their job to keep kids from quitting things. So if you presented it as, "I'm going to do this instead." Then they may see it differently.

  5. I'm 56 and your story is not an unusual one.

    After the accident you have to go through all the moves to get your game back but only now you are handicapped. and trying to figure a work around for a injury will work you to death the team thinks your going to play as you always did so do you parents and friends and support groups,

    the real truth is they see with a blinded perception.

    Your body feels the difference and your mind throws you off trying to correct so you won't hurt yourself.

    Try talking to the coach and tell him what is going on the physical and the mental then ask yourself if basketball has a place in organization structure that does not include subjecting your self to physical injury or mental anguish.

    If not playing is going to put you up to a team ridicule, or class mate criticisms ,the best thing you can do with the coaches help is place a story in the local paper and the school paper about the injury and how it has hurt your game, and why you have  chosen to retire.

    That  My pretty, will straighten everyone out including your parents.  

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