
Can somebody please help me find the owner of this phone number 562-243-5344. He is calling me >100 times/day

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Can somebody please help me find the owner of this phone number 562-243-5344. He is calling me >100 times/day




  1. I would simply block this number. Or inform the police.

  2. Go to and type in that number and find out who it is or call the police and let them handle it.

  3. I agree with the blocking/police thing... did you try googling the number?

  4. call the cops, report the harassment, and they'll take care of the rest

  5. Call information to do a reverse calling.. Give them the number they will give  you the address or name

  6. if it's a cell phone number i doubt you'll be able to find out

  7. Call the cops. They'll look into it.

  8. Do you not have any way to block this number from your phone?  If it is a number through your local phone company, you need to report it and document what is happening, that is against the law.

  9. Enter the number into google.  :)

  10. Start calling him back!!!

    There is a fee for this but guarantees they find them or $$ back. 14.95

  11. have you tried a  reverse phone lookup through the yellow pages?


  13. sure just use

    It has reverse lookup. You can look them up and then file a police report for harassment.

    Intelus has it but they want you to pay...

    Otherwise, just go to the police and file a harrassment charge, and they will run a 2 week tracer on your ohone, you just cal the phone company with the case number and tell them you need to file harrassment charges and they will set it up for you, but when I did it, I had to call in every day and give them the times the person had called, so either write it down, or use Caller ID for when youre not home. This is also the free way.

    Intelus says its in Long Beach, CA. I'll do some more searching and see if I can find it.

    I looked and it seems to be a cellphone number or unlisted. Your best bet is to just all the police and tell them that the calls are harrassing, and unwanted. Ask for a case number, also. They should file a report on it at least. Then just call your phone company with it.

    Good Luck.

  14. Have you tried calling it back and asking them who they are and why they are calling you?? If not, contact your telephone company and explain it to them.

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