
Can somebody please help me???

by  |  earlier

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my female betta is unwell. i dont know why but she has a sort of indentation in the middle of her body and her scales are sort of standing up. i want to help her but i don't know what to do!




  1. go to where you got it from and put the betta  in a bag or plastic continer and ask them what they have to say

  2. Do you have a pleco in there? I lost paradise fish to that. If she has red streaks, it may be ammonia poisoning. What else is with her, and what are your levels?

  3. Sounds like dropsy to me. However dropsy usually isn't curable if symptoms like that have already shown up. It usually means that the internal organs are already to infected to be cured. Some people think it can be done, but not if you can already see the symptoms. You can get some chemicals from the petstore but usually it doesn't cure the fish.

    "For severe bloating you can give him an Epsom salt bath to help combat the swelling. Add 1/2 teaspoon Epsom salt per gallon to a bowl of tank water and soak him for 15 minutes. (make sure the water temperature is the same as the water you are removing him from.) You can also try adding Epsom to his tank but at a reduced concentration of 1/2 teaspoon per 5 gallons of water. Results are mixed but it can be helpful in many cases of severe bloating. It's important to know this isn't a cure, just a way to reduce some of the osmotic stress and bloating." --

    I'm sorry for you betta.

    I hope this helps.

  4. i thin shes pregnant??

    sometimes a female can prduce eggs by either jut looking at a male or just by its self...she might die of shes pregnat u should look it up on google...


    This website has a list of diseases at the bottom with lots of information on diagnosing and treatment.  Hope you find what you need.

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