So, is my god. I'm a weather freak and know just about everything about tornadoes. However, for the life of me I cannot understand what the Convective Outlook is saying about the New England region for tomorrow, which is odd because usually I can understand their fancy weather lingo. This is what they're saying about New England:
I live in Boston, MA, and although I am obsessed with tornadoes, I am also scared to death of them, and have this irrational fear that one will strike close to home. In case you don't know, there was a funnel cloud spotted in RI today, and that same cell was moving right towards Boston, but weakened before it got here. I'm NOT looking forward to more tornado drama tomorrow, so I'm kinda hoping someone can translate that Convective Outlook for me, just tell me in short what it's saying and if I should be concerned about Boston tomorrow.
Thanks in advance.