
Can somebody please help me with my ego?

by  |  earlier

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I cant even think about my parents first, its gotten really bad in the past few weeks even though I'm really trying to be better, my mom seriousley got really upset because of me. will somebody please tell me what to do?




  1. Go to your parents and ask to sit down with them and talk through the issues.  Tell them what you feel and how you would like to change.  Set up a meeting like this for every week.  It only needs to be for 15 minutes or so.  Over time, everyone will move forward to a better relationship.

  2. Breathe! No matter what's going on, it always gets better. Dont let anything determine your self-worth, only you can do that.  

  3. its hard to consider other people over your own feeling but i feel that its a part of growing up if you really want to change take a second or two to think about what your going to say/do and if an any way it can be hurtful or inconsiderate try to reword it or change your plans it might take some time to get the hang of it so that no one think your ignoring them but its well worth the trouble

  4. don't ask questions a/ ur ego that's just asking questions a/ urself: furthermore wanting attention-go to like periphery places and try to feel sorry for ppl and help them but don't show it off-there is a difference tho between egotism and confidence  

  5. Try to work with them as they are probably trying to with you. If they aren't, ask them to try.

  6. Just be nice to her.  

  7. Obviously you know how to push her buttons.  I guess try harder for some reason she doesn't think your actions are genuine.

  8. I have no idea what you are trying to ask..need to be more clear.

  9. **** YOUR EGO!

    There, isn't that better?

  10. If you are eight, its ok to be selfish, if you are 11 - 22, its ok to be selfish, but , you may want to think of others once in a great while. If you are older than that, heck yes, you are selfish.  

  11. you yourself with the help of a mirror from an egoless person. you have insulted and spit to that person and have the courage to ask to be accepted. only truly sick teachers think that is a way to acceptance. what a scam

  12. elaborate

  13. You must try to have a balance of self thought and consideration for other people as much as you can.

    The truth is that if it were true you was selfish, you wouldn't be concerned enough to make this post.

    Just think about other people more often if you think you don't enough.

    Be more involved if you can.

    Snow Man

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