
Can somebody please post a list of characters in the book The Romance of Tristan and Iseult?

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I am horrible with characters so I really need a list of them. I am fine with just the names, but if you are kind enough to also put a very brief description of who they are it would be greatly appreciated :)

by brief I mean no more than a sentence or two.





  1. Tristan a Cornish knight,

    Isolde  an Irish princess

    King Marke is Tristen's uncle who he is sent to he is the King of Cornwell

    King Donnchadh is Isolde father

    Lord Wictred is a a willing servant to Donnchadh also a traitor

    Melot he vies for the Isoldes love agaist tristan.

    Bragnae is Isoldes maid and friend


    Edyth is the mother of Melot and trys to get Iseult interested in him


    Morholt the man that Kills Aragon, tristen father.



    Aragon is tristans father who dies early on.

    Hope this helps. I don't remember what all of them were. just the main ones.

  2. Sorry I read it 4 years ago and I don't remember anyone but the main character! Tristan,Iseuld la blonde and Iseuld aux blanches mains (I read it in french) So sorry. I also remember that there was the king who was married to Iseult but I don't remember his name. So sorry!

  3. I believe the question concerned the book “The Romance of Tristan and Iseult'' not the film “Tristan and Isolde.” I think this is the version she wants:

    I've arranged the characters approximately by a mixture of importance on the story and the order in which they appear.

    Tristan: the hero, son of King Rivalen of Lyonesse and nephew to King Mark of Cornwall.

    Iseult the Fair: the heroine, daughter of an unnamed King of Ireland. She marries King Mark of Cornwall but continues her love affair with Tristan.

    Iseult of the White Hands: daughter of King Hoël of Brittany and brother of Keherdin. She becomes Tristan’s wife in the second part of the story.

    Mark: King of Cornwall, uncle to Tristan and Andret, and husband to Iseult the Fair.

    Governal: Tristan’s tutor as a boy, and his squire and companion when Tristan becomes a man.

    Brangien: Iseult’s handmaid and later Keheydin’s lover. Perenis is her brother.

    Perenis: Iseult's squire, Brangien’s brother.

    Dinas of Lidan: seneschal of Cornwall. He is friendly to Tristan.

    Andret: a nephew of King Mark and one of four barons who particularly hate Tristan.

    Guenelon: one of four Cornish barons who particularly hate Tristan.

    Gondoïne: one of four Cornish barons who partricularly hate Tristan,

    Denoalen: one of four Cornish barons who particularly hate Tristan.

    Frocin (Froggy) the Dwarf: a wise dwarf, gifted with prophetic powers, who aids Tristan’s enemies.

    the Morholt: brother of the Queen of Ireland and the champion of Ireland. No-one knows today why he is always “the” Morholt. Presumably “Morholt” is supposed to be some sort of title, but no-one has identified it.

    Ogrin: a hermit who reconciles Tristan and Iseult with King Mark.

    Orri: a woodsman and friend to Tristan.

    Gilain: a duke in Wales and the orginal owner of the fairy dog that Tristan wins for Iseult.

    Kariado: a rich count who seeks Iseult of Cornwall’s love.

    Hoël: King of Brittany, father of Iseult of the White Hands and of Keherdin.

    Kaherdin: son of King Hoel of Brittany and Tristan’s companion in the second half of the story.

    Riol: Count of Nantes and a rebel against his lord King Hoël. He seeks the hand of Hoël’s daughter Iseult.

    Rivalen: King of Lyonesse (= Lothian?). Tristan’s father.

    Blanchefleur: Queen of Lyonesse, sister to King Mark. Dies giving birth to Tristan.

    Morgan: an enemy of King Rivalen.

    Rohalt: King Rivalen’s marshal and Tristan's foster-father. Tristan makes him King of Lyonesse, preferring to remain a knight at Mark’s court to rusticating as king of what seems to be here a very small and unimportant kingdom.

    Arthur: King of Britain. Apparently King Mark’s overlord.

    Gawain: King Arthur’s nephew and champion. Appears in many other Arthurian tales.

    Kay the Seneschal: King Arthur’s seneschal, noted for being over-proud and rude and harsh of tongue. Appears in many other Arthurian tales.

    Girflet: A renowned knight of the Round Table. Appears in many other Arthurian tales.

    Toothold: Tristan’s hunting hound. He has been taught to hunt without barking. The actual medieval French name is Hudain.

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