
Can somebody please tell me what is up with the left-handed handshake. ?

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I know I'm not trippin. There definately has to be a reason why certain people i encounter, all being from the same element ( usually gang affiliated white males/females) extend out their left hand to me instead of their right. I cant stand it. It feels so wrong. So when they do it, I kindly ask them to switch hands. Not one that I can remember has declined switching hands, maybe a little hesitation, but never a flat out rejection. I just want to know why they do it. Nothing at all feels natural about a left-handed hand shake. I honestly get a negative vibe from anyone that offers up their left hand to me. So honestly people, whats up with that? Is it some kind of secret or what? By the way, I'm not talking about foreigners here. I'm talking about American people, just like myself.




  1. In history, the right-handed handshake typically means, "I'm not armed", because most people used their right hands for sword-play.

    Left-handed handshakes mean, "I have lowered my shield", for similar reasons.

    Perhaps the gang members found it a better statement to say to fellow gang members that they have lowered their shields than that they're unarmed, since guns have such a cache.

  2. This is just a guess but lots of gangs will favor the left side over the right for some reason like Bloods, Latin Kings etc. Maybe it is some new version of that mixed with the whole special handshake/greeting thing?

    Also, that is how the Boy Scouts shake hands. Maybe they are in a gang started by scouts gone bad? JK

    I do know a number of gang affiliated white people but have NEVER seen this before or even heard of it. It is probably regional- maybe try asking in a local section rather than culture to get a better answer?

    Anyway, I agree that it is weird. I would be offended if anyone did that to me, it is just rude no matter what their reasons are. Sorry I don't have a better answer for you, I am curious to know myself now.  

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