
Can somebody please tell me what the deterrent is here?

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What lesson will the driver get out of this bloody *sentence*?

It's shocking!!




  1. The judiciary have no b*lls!

  2. you only have to look in the local rag to see all those losers who have been in court that week to see most of them are for driving offences and most carry at best a £50 fine which costs those tossers less than insureing and mot'ing their cars. no insurance, no mot or licence should mean immediate disqualification forever and the car sold to pay for victims of crime or crushed.... no second chances.

  3. There is no deterrent there absolutly disgusting what a bunch of jokers these courts are.

  4. This isn't about deterence. This driver gave no thought about the consequences of his actions for himself or others. In fact, had he stopped to think about it, he would have expected to receive a prison sentence. So it wouldn't have deterred him.

    Are most of us more likely to drive illegally as a result of this case? Almost certainly not. Most of us are prevented from breaking sensible laws on driving by our own sense of right and wrong - not by fear of imprisonment.

    What about punishment? I think that we, the public, have a right to see that justice is done and a non-custodial sentence for this crime doesn't do that.

    This man should have gone to jail, not to deter anyone, not to teach him any lesson, but to re-assure the rest of us that justice is meted out. It hasn't been in this case.

  5. Dont get me started on that subject hun, disgraceful xx

  6. I really wish they would crack down on people like him. They should receive a massive fine, and a long jail sentence.

    200 hours unpaid work and attending a problem solving course?? What deterrent is that.

    Why is he likely to observe this 3 year driving ban, when he didn`t observe the first one. Reckless, uninsured drivers, deserve to be banned from driving for life. They destroy innocent people`s lives and should not be on the roads.

  7. he's ruined the old guys life and walks

    away with a slap on the wrist, fooking


  8. There is no deterrent since new labour came into power.

  9. This sounds more like attempted murder.  I do not see a detterent to this sentence.

  10. He should have been sent to prison that is absolutely disgusting.

  11. What have Nu Labour done to improve crime rates in the eleven years they've been in power?  

  12. "Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime"

  13. Shameful, how dreadful for that poor man and his family, to continue the suffering that this no mark has caused, and the chances of him doing  it again are very high.

    Someone needs to sort out the judges too.  God only knows where their sympathies lie when this is an example of how they see justice.   Makes me wonder how fit for purpose they are!!!!!!!!

  14. how ridiculous is that?  What is wrong with these magistrates???

  15. i see what you mean this is the trouble today if the guy had stolen money he would have got 20 years

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