
Can somebody suggest the BEST medicine to control cokroaches?

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Can somebody suggest the BEST medicine to control cokroaches?




  1. Have you heard of the artificial chemical sweetners ~ Lite & Low or  Sweet 'N Low ??  They are Australian names for them but basically they have aspartame and the like in them .........  simply put a half a teaspoon full down where you think they are coming from or in a corner of your laundry or toilet perhaps and they'll source it and gobble it up and subsequently be exterminated ...........  hehe, those sweetners aren't good for much else but they are good for torching nasty bugs such as cockroaches ......  a friend of mine had a nasty problem with big black ants in her house and did precisely this ........  no more cockroaches after that .......... ;0)

    good health 2 u



  2. Take it from me, I live in Texas and have also lived in Louisiana.  Sometimes, even the cleanest house gets roaches in the south.  What I find works the best is boric acid or borax.  Sprinkle a mixture of boric acid and sugar in areas like under the sink, in closets etc.  But, the kicker here is, you have to then resist killing the roaches when you see them.  They have to take the boric acid back to their nests to kill all the other roaches.  Once you've noticed that most of them have been killed, you can then sprinkle ground cloves or clove oil in your pantry, closets, etc to keep them away.  It won't kill them, but they hate the smell and won't come around anymore.  I've rid roaches from numerous apartments this way.  I promise--it works.

  3. Aspartame kills ants, might work for cokroaches. Tahts the only thing this excitotoxin is good for.

  4. The ideal way is to keep your kitchen, store room, bath rooms, bed rooms etc., clean, neat and well ventilated to keep the cockroaches away; as all anticockroach chemicals are not safe and likely to contaminate the food and food products, eatables, utensils etc., in the kitchen.

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