
Can somebody teach me the steps to surfing?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 and i want to learn how to surf because i always wanted to learn how just never got the time bugt i only want to know the steps thats all




  1. Iam telling this assuming that u are comfortable with using a browser.

    1)look for something specific always.

    2)Dont get distracted by things that u are not looking for.. for eg: pop ups and ads.

    3)Be focused.

    Incase u dont know how to use a browser then

    1)you need to know the address of the site u want to browse.

    2)in case u dont know then go to '' there type the word u are interested in and search

    3)it will give a list of links. you can click on them and start browsing...

    hope this helps..

  2. Do you have any friends who surf?  It's best to go with someone who surfs.

    Although surf vids are good, they don't necessarily demonstrate the basics.  I would start with a longboard or even a softtop board if you're worried about getting hurt.  Check out the local shops and rent different boards - stay with the longer boards as they will be easier to catch waves.  

    LEARN TO STAND IN THE WHITEWASH FIRST.  Don't bother trying to learn to catch a wave and stand as all you'll do is frustrate yourself and others in the lineup.  Once you learn to stand, then paddle out to someplace not crowded and practice catching waves and standing.

    Do an internet search on learning to surf for more detailed info but here are the very basics:

    Keep you're body centered on the board (middle) - I'm talking about side to side.  

    Keep your chest near the thickest part of the board - you'll understand when you're paddling.  Too far forward and the nose will dip, too far back and you'll be pushing too much water.

    Start paddling for the wave early.  Don't wait till the wave is under you to start paddling - you need momentum.

    When getting to your feet, put your hands on the rails next to your chest and try to 'pop' up.  Or at least push yourself up.

    To get your feet on to the board, you'll want to pull you're legs in close and try to imagine pulling your knees into your chest.  

    Once standing, remember - a wider stance is better than a narrow stance.

    Don't stand straight up - keep your knees bent - better balance.

    Look - you're surfing :)

    I probably missed a lot but that's the basics.

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