
Can somebody tell me about geminis? (personality, matching signs, etc?)?

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I'm a gemini, born on june 9th

What are some personality traits? I tend to be clueless, forget alot, etc...the basic makings of a bimbo, hah.

What are some signs that I'd get along with, and signs that I could be in a relationship with??

Or just tell me a random bit of information if you could?? I'd really like to know...




  1. You came to the right person.

    I am Gemini!

    Our good things- adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intelligent, eloquent, youthful and lively.

    Our bad things- Nervous, tense, superficial, inconsistent, cunning, and inquisitive.

    Most compatible with -Gemini, Leo and Libra

  2. Geminis tend to be talkative and intelligent. I believe it is an air sign just like libra and aquarius. Geminis tend to be somewhat 2face since they are represented by twins.

  3. gemini is air and mutable. air is social and talkative, it rules over the mental plane and is all about thoughts, opinions and ideas. mutable signs are always changing and will bend and sway and adapt to the world around them. gemini has a million thoughts a minute and can have troubles focussing on just one as their minds can work faster than their mouths or bodies. that could be why you forget and are clueless, because while the rest of the world is still thinking about what happened 2 minutes ago you already thought about 10 other things while the rest of the world catches up to your speed!

    gemini is best with: leo, libra, aries, and aquarius. all 4 are equally as best of a match for you and all of them are best for love, marriage, best friends, and in family relations.

    gemini with other geminis can be a fun friendship but it doesnt work long term in love for marriage. too much of what you both already have and not enough of what you both lack. you can't give someone the kind of support that you lack and need yourself right?

    gemini with sagitarius is a star crossed relationship. you are fatal attractions and things can end badly for all relations including friends, family and love. the thing is you both are so different and can be attracted to each other because of it. but then you are so different that you don't understand each other and it isn't enough to get along by. you will disagree and fight as you wont understand each other. so avoid sag. at all costs, because the closer you get the farther apart your souls go!

    gemini with leo or aries is also opposites attracting but it is different from sag. these fire signs will attract you in but will fill you with what you need in a relationship. they will keep things interesting and you will have much natural attraction on a soul level. you will want to understand each other and will not have to struggle to do so.

    gemini with libra or aquarius is a match on an element level. you are all air signs and so will understand each other with a deep unspoken bond. things will be easy going and fun.

    the libra and the aries are cardinal. they provide the intitiative that gemini and sag. lack. libra and aries will take geminis great ideas and make them into reality. sag. can not offer this to gemini and can not offer the leadership qualities that the cardinal signs have.

    the aquarius and leo are fixed signs. they have a strong sense of who they are and can be quite stubborn. they know their principals and stick by them. they do not fall to peer pressures and will stick up for gemini and teach them to be strong as they can be. sag also can not offer the fixed qualities to gem. as they are mutable just the same.

  4. Okay. Gemini is an air sign. So gemini is most compatibal with Aquarius and libra the other air signs. The next ,most compatible signs are the fire triplicity (Aries,Leo,Saggttarius). Least compatible are the earth and water triplicitys.For info about gemini and other resources see links at the bottom.

    Keep in mind that that astrology is much more than just the sun and that each planet has a function which is colered by a certain sign. Each planet also has positive and negative traits depending on the aspects to other planets. Some planets express themselves stronger than others (even the sun) depending on how highly dignified they are.

    Gemini and the other eleven signs:

    The sun and the other planets:

    The aspects:

    The dignities:

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