
Can somebody tell me the difference between home schooling and online schooling?

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Can somebody tell me the difference between home schooling in high school and online schooling?

I am a sophmore in high school and am looking at both opitions but nobody can really tell me about home schooling.




  1. online schooling is a form of homeschooling. Check out this website:

  2. Actually online schooling is a form of homeschooling.  There are many different approaches to homeschool: unschooling, traditional curriculum, video, online, etc..  So you would be homeschooled if you used any of these approaches.  Do a little research (Google) and pick the one that is best for you :)

  3. Ok, online schooling is, obviously, computer based. It has a set curriculum that you follow (basically, it's like public school, but you do it at home).

    Home schooling is parent-directed. You can buy homeschooling kits that will give you everything you need, which will have a set curriculum, like online schooling. Or you can let it be more free. Either way, homeschooling lets you have contact with teachers, etc., while your teachers have no idea who you are in online schooling.

    Talk with you parents, and decide what will work best for you, although I personally would rather do homeschooling to online schooling.

  4. They're both technically considered homeschooling in the US, but the term "homeschooling" generally denotes a program that is parent or student-led, while "online schooling" denotes a virtual charter school which is teacher or administration-led.

  5. Homeschooling generally covers any schooling done under the guidance of parents or guardians. Some homeschoolers use an online program, others use traditional texts and still others create their own curriculum from a variety of sources (library, internet, local co-ops, etc.).

    Some online schooling is run by the public schools or the state, such as the K12 programs that are available in some areas. These types of programs are not homeschooling, but rather public schooling at home because the parents are not the responsible parties, the public school is the one doing the administration.

  6. Unless you are using a virtual school, online schooling is a form of homeschooling.  Here's an explanation:

    The Texas homeschool laws are pretty simple, and don't require any notification or reporting.  Here's some additional info:

    Here are some online homeschooling options:

  7. I homeschool my daughters...I use as a curriculum and supplement with outside sources...such as the library.

    I use it mainly for engligh and and history are done outside of the computer.....

    ...homeschooling, to me, is any school at home in which the parent is the main educator. There are different laws in different states, as previously mentioned.

    More or less you have to 1000 hours per 12 months. 600 core and 400 can be life skills, or whatever else you want...p.e., music, art, etc.

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