
Can somebody tell me what's going on with my body? PLS?

by  |  earlier

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Got tested on JULY 16TH for HIV and STD'S, Results came back on JULY 23RD- ALL NEGATIVE (except for HSV-1, which is very common, no worries)

Papsmear on JULY 23RD- ALL NORMAL

Doctor said I was EXTREMELY healthy for my age,weight,height,etc.

Getting Tested AGAIN on AUGUST 26TH, and CONFIRMING ON SEP.26 (3-month mark)

Here are my OVERALL SYMPTOMS for the past 3-4 weeks just to make it easier:

-Rashes (sometimes itchy,not painful,just dry skin)

-Little pimple-like bumps on various parts of the body

-Yeast infection, I think (because it came back normal I when had papsmear)

-Headaches (frequently)

-Canker sores (frequently)

-Irritated throat (days worse than others)

-Weight loss of 4 lbs in 2 days

-Diahrrea lasting for about 4-6days straight

-A lot of brusies, so... easy bruising

-Aching and sore muscles

-2 White bumps on the bottom of my lip, went away in like an hour.

- Red skin around my thighs, went away in like a couple of minutes (not sure if it was just irritated skin or if I was overreacting)

******Can somebody give me something please? I GREATLY APPRECIATE any time you took out to read or reply to this, I would love to give somebody the best answer for their support or information.GOD BLESS YOU GUYS ( and i truly mean it )********

AND PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME SOMETHING YOU READ ONLINE, because i've been doing that ever since 3 weeks ago, and that's no help.




  1. idk, but you should seriously think of going to the doctor in case it's anything really serious, u might not have an STD, but something is wrong...

  2. It's really hard to say what could be wrong, as many of your symptoms could lead to a variety of diagnoses.  Have you been tested for the full array of STDs?  Some of your symptoms sound similar to HIV, while others sound similar to herpes and syphilis.  Other symptoms don't seem related to STDs at all.  Have you only been seeking treatment for sexually related diseases?  Have you been tested for anemia?  Ruled out cancers?  Been tested for mono or epstein barr virus?  Lupus?  I imagine you are extremely frustrated waiting the diagnosis of your illness, but it is truly hard to know what could be wrong from such a list of symptoms.  Hang in there; eventually a doctor will unlock the mystery to what's wrong.  

  3. hun, go and c a doctor!. better yet maybe go to the hospital just c someone!

  4. with that many symptoms i would go to the dr. it may be nothing more then just a really bad flu and just coming at a really bad time... so calm down and breathe call the dr and say ok , i'm supposed to be in on the 26th for a test BUT here are my symptoms he may get you in right away ..... and sometimes symptoms can come due to stress or paranoia(so relax (i know easier said then done) but you need to relax so you can figure out which symptoms are real and which ones arent ( and they may all be real but call the dr. better safe then sorry ... and good luck to you and heres to hoping for nothing serious

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