
Can somebody tell me what's the difference between an English and an Irish?

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I always suppose that both came from the same tree, I mean, they have the same ancestor, don't have they?




  1. we are both very alike but with 1 major difference which is sometimes difficult to spot , the Irish travel to other countrys to work, procreate and generally have the "craic" so to speak whereas the English travel to other countries to pilfer there resources, rape their women and just generally be loud and obnoxious. Hope this clarifies maters.

  2. historically two seperate cultures, languages and genetic backgrounds - Irish more closely linked to the Scots, Welsh, those in the Breton area of northern France and the Cornish ! Commonally believed to be descended from the Celts the orgins lay in middle europe -

    English - even more complex but basically a mixture of AngloSaxon, Norman, Germanic and Viking influences

    just because they occupy a small corner of the world and have a shared language and recent historical past you would be foolish to make a generalisation re them being the same or similar

  3. The Irish are more closely related to the French, Germans and Spanish than the English, although we are related to the Scottish and Welsh.  All were emmigrants from mid europe, north africa. Plus the Irish rock!!!

  4. England is a mix of any and every great power in the world from the Romans to the Saxons to the Vikings to the Normans. The Vikings did arrive in Ireland but only in Cork, Dublin and Wexford, the others thought it was to wet.

    Te latin for Ireland literally means "land of winter"

  5. lol narrow minded person proberbly an american! the difference is 1 is english and the other is irish, 2 separate countries, 2 separate govenerments, thats like sayin wats the difference betwen sweeden and denmark just because they are beside each other doesnt mean they are the same, so grow up and do ur revison!

  6. Believe me there is a big difference between the English and us Irish so don't ever say we're the same!!

  7. we don't come from the same three we are totally different the English are snobs and wont talk to ya we the Irish will

  8. The English are s****., arrogant, xenophobic, (sorry to all those who aren't) ;-)

    The Irish are open, friendly and welcoming and can bear a grudge for 500 years plus

    The English call themselves Anglo-Saxons, as if there had been no Celts or Romans there before they arrived,

    The Irish are much more homogenous Celtic, with a bit od Norse, English and Spanish mixed in.

    Go to England, and go to Ireland, and the difference will become apparent immediately.

  9. If you think like that, well then we all fall under the same tree. Ireland was in existance (without English rule) many, many moons before the States were born. They have there own culture and beliefs. That goes for Scotland as well. The Welsh, well, they're goners, but they were their own people at one point - they culture is struggling to survive (very few speak the language)

  10. Generally, Irish people are more Celtic than English people, who have Viking, Roman, Saxon, Norman etc. influences. That's why they tend to be paler than Englishpeople (myself being an Englishman).

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