
Can somebody tell me what is wrong with Conservative and Republican Christians?

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All I hear from them about Obama is bashing Obama for being a Community Organizer. As I Liberal Christian I am aware of what it says in the Bible about serving others. Jesus was very clear about this. Yet Republican and Conservative Christians don't seem to value this and in fact bash it on a regular basis. Why is that?




  1. Something is wrong with your overgeneralization of Conservatives & Republican Christian.  

    If you read my posts, you will know that this conservative is bothered by Obama's fiscal policies, his poor judgement in friends and advisors & his extremist view on abortion (I am not "pro-life" or "Pro-Choice"  I am moderate on that subject.)

    But what exactly did he do as a community organizer.

    All I know about specifically is that he got people out to vote.  That is serving the political machine more than serving the people (not that it is wrong, it just isn't exactly what Jesus was talking about)

  2. It isn't so much that being a community organizer that is the bad point. It is the fact that he only help a certain group of people in the community rather than the community as a whole. In a nutshell that is what the typical mafia was in the past. Also, the experience as a community organizer isn't much in the grounds for being qualified to lead the whole country.

  3. They actually laughed about it.  Truly sad.  These people need to be seriously marginalized.  They might fire up Liberals with this type of c**p though.

  4. Because they are ignorant, hypocritical people who only want POWER and croak at the thought of a black man in the White House.

  5. Republicans don't want to help you unless you agree with them on the death penalty, abortion, prayer in school, etc.

  6. Obama is a racist crackhead and a fungus on the s*****m of America.  That book of his is so full of lies and embellishments of his participation in events that it is really a novel.

  7. The Conservatives and the Evangelical Christians don't agree with the Democrats on the issue of abortion.  The Democrats believe that it is a woman's choice.  The Conservative Republicans are pro-life.

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