
Can somebody tell me whats the difference between a "time line" and a "time horizon"!?

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I think that this is the most ridiculous position ever!!!

Who comes up with this stupid crazy phrases!!!??

I think its insulting to all Americans to turn this into a battle of semantics!!!!

How can anybody expect us to buy this!!! Its retarded!

They both mean troop withdrawal!!!

I have a retarded friend who will put his life in the line defending a supposed difference between both terms, yet he cant define or show the difference between them!!!




  1. Both meaningless management speak, just shoot the r****d and get on with your life.

  2. Listen carefully, take notes.

    Timeline is Democrat talk for surrender and emboldening the enemy.

    Time horizon is Republican, therefore in and of itself, patriotic, flag waving and wearing, American.  It is sticking around till the job is done.

    If you will swallow that whole, with soy milk, you can call me in the morning while I explain why it is a Republican can do no wrong and be hero  and when a Democrat can do no wrong hes called arrogant.  

    Possibly I will even explain that why Republicans take pride in telling us government can't run heath care or social security because the government doesn't run things well, then they want to be reelected so they can continue to not be able to run things well, while Americans do without health insurance and the only thing millions of elderly Americans have to rely on is their Social Security checks which arrive with great regularity.

  3. The difference is "smoke and mirrors", that's all.

    h**l, I'm still trying to figure out what the meaning of is, is.


  4. Extract from mdhatter press

    What’s the difference between a time line and a ‘time horizon’?

    Well, on a time line, things move in a linear fashion - through time. An event horizon causes time itself to slow down, so I think that means a ‘time horizon’ makes events slow down. As if that were really possible in Iraq.

    [Edit: turns out investopedia offers this gem: "The length of time over which an investment is made or held before it is liquidated."]

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