
Can somebody tell me which recreational drugs are potentialy safe or may have benificial medical purposes?

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i have been curious on the subject for a while and wish to understand.




  1. actually, many recreational drugs are used medically. pretty much the only ones that arent are ecstacy and hallucinogens like LSD. cocaine is used topically (as in creams) as an anesthetic for minor surgery, it isnt given systemically to treat diseases though. methamphetamine is a stimulant that can be used for weight loss or ADHD, but its hardly used because other stimulants like adderall and ritalin have some advantages over it. heroin is closely related to pain killers like morphine. Marinol is a drug that has the active ingredient of marijuana in pill form, its used to help increase appetite and help with pain mainly in end stage AIDS patients and cancer patients. MJ itself in the smokeable form is illegal federally, though some states like California have made it legal at a state level (and thats complicated because still it is technically illegal since it is illegal at the federal level, i dont follow it so i dont understand all the politics with it)

  2. Well if you are curious about the subject then why not try some?  It is the best way to learn.  Short term use of marijuana is safe and has therapeutic value.  Why not try magic mushrooms?  Or Salvia divinorum?  Then you will understand..

  3. If it's recreational it is not medicinal.  They are purely recreational But all medicinal drugs are medicinal and some of the medicinals are recreational.  Only your doctor knows for sure.  What is the primary reason for taking the drug?

    If it's for pain, when mixed with alcohol it is not 100% medicinal plus the damage it does to your liver is going to require a heck of a lot of medicinal care later on.

    Like the old saying goes, "All cats are animals, but not all animals are cats."

  4. most popular, effective, cheap and LEGAL drug you can come accross is caffeine (in sodas and coffe)

    any other drug is potentially  dangerous, avoid them! most of them will decrease your inmune system, and destroy your CNS overtime as well as your entire body.

  5. If you're talking about illegal drugs..... none of them are safe, that's why they're illegal! lol

    However, Cannabis has been known to ease anxiety in some people and is used medicinally in some parts of the world, and of course moprhine (from the same family as heroin) is a strong painkiller.

    added after reading previous answer: I wouldn't try drugs though because everyone reacts differently to them. You could get in trouble with the law and potentially seriously harm yourself.

  6. Marijuana of course. 13 states I believe have medical marijuana policies, but the federal government still tries to override them even though it is safer than a McDonald's large fry.

    Shrooms and LSD are relatively safe, it's hard to overdose and there is no lasting damage done to your body.

    Opiates are used in the hospital for pain, and derivitatives in presrciption painkillers. They are pretty safe except possibility for addiction.

    Pretty much all the recreational drugs have a "cousin" that is used in medicine. The danger only arises when people get addicted.

    I think the only ones that don't are meth and crack. They do immediate damage.

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