
Can somebody translate these (russian in latin script ) to english?

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1) Ti znaesh ia pitajus zakonchit otnoshenia s chelovekom s kotorim ia prozil 10 let, uze 10 let, pover mne na slovo, eto ochen ne

prosto.Izveni ia ne mogu tak bistro perekliuchitsia vsiotaki 10 let ne prohodiat bezsledno, kogda ia bil uve

ren v sebe ia ne otstupal........Ia staralsia ne podovat tebe nikakoi nadezdi prosto uvidel tvojo pismo pozvonil......

Izveni pozaliusta

2)Ti opozdala, ia uze tam. A ne poshel bi ti podalshe kudanibud.

Izveni menia pozaluista, ia deistvitelno ne hotel prichiniat tebe bol,izveni.

3)ya ne hochu pravda viyasnyat nichego i dokazivat,ot etogo tolko ustaesh. i bes slov vse yasno osobenno psle takogo dlitelnogo

perioda, mne po krayney mere, dlya menya ti bil vajnoy vstrechey, mne ne hvatilo jisnennogo opita chtobi ostatsya s toboy, i drugogo

opita ne hvatilo, mne nado bilo uvidet jizn chtobi ponyat. Kolya ya ne budu tebya ugovarivat jit so mnoy ya pitalas mnogo ras, ti daje

ne otvechal na eti pisma. snachit ta nado. ya hochu rebenka, podumay. ot tebya. ti bil figuroy v moey jizni, pochemu bi i net

4)Ya toje tam bila.... Shweycariya

shikarnie foto, tolko tebya tam net.prishlu tebe svoi vecherom, nemnogo sanyata




  1. Hello,

    The translation is:

    "1) You know I am trying to end relations with the person I have lived 10 years... already 10 years. Trust me, this is not easy at all.

    I am sorry but I cannot switched myself so fast. Anyway, ten years don't pass without a trace. When I was self-assured I didn't recede........ I tried do not give you any hope. Suddenly, I saw your letter, I called.

    Excuse me, please. I am already there.

    2) You were late. You wouldn't have gone somewhere far away? Excuse me, please, I really didn't want to hurt you, sorry.

    3) I don't want to explain and prove anything, you will only get tired because of this. Everything is clear without words even, especially after such a long period, to me at least.

    For me you were the important meeting, I did not have enough life experience to remain with you. And a second  experience didn't suffice.

    I had to experience the life to understand it.

    Kolia, I won't talk over to you to live with me. I have asked you many times. You even didn't answer my letters. It means it should be as it is.I want a child from you, think about it. You were somebody in my life, why not /have a child from you/.

    4) I also was there......Switzerland

    A cute photo, but you are not there. I will send to you mine at night. I am a bit busy now."

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