
Can somebody translate this german song in english? pls help me!this is a matter of life and death! im begging

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Was immer du tust!

Wo immer du bist!

Ich werd hier bleiben, warten auf dich!

Wie weh das auch tut,

und fehlt mir auch Mut!

Ich werd hier bleiben, warten auf dich!

Es tut mir weh, wenn ich dich nich seh!

Es scheint als würd sich meine Welt ohne dich nich dreh'n!

Ich will dich endlich wieder in meine Arme nehm´,

in meinem Leben keinen Schritt mehr ohne dich geh'n!

Du bist, einfach zu schön um wahr zu sein

Glaub mir, ich schätz dein Leben mehr als meins,

Und ich wünscht ich könnte dir jetzt zeigen wie sehr

ich dich liebe ****!

Doch du bist nich hier! (oh)

Mein Herz erfriert, verdammt du fehlst mir hier!

Wie diese Leere schmerzt,

und es scheint mir als zerreisst es mein Herz!

Wir sind eins, und beide doch allein

und ich wart, ich bleib stark

du bist das beste was ich hab!



Was immer du tust!

Wo immer du bist!

Ich werd hier bleiben, warten auf dich!

(Ich warte auf dich)

Wie weh das auch tut,

und fehlt mir auch Mut,

ich werd hier bleiben, warten auf dich!




  1. Good thing I speak German!! After two years of German in College- I hope I did it well, I most likely messed up on a couple words, but not very many I hope.

    "What ever you do,

    Where ever you are,

    I will remain here, waiting for you.

    As pain is;

    courage is missing to me.

    I will remain here, waiting for you.

    It hurts me to see you in pain

    My world without you seems itself without reason.

    I want you back in my arms again, never to take a step without you.

    You are simply too beautiful, you know it's true

    Trust me, I hold your life higher than mine, and I wish I could you now show like much I love you ****!

    But you are not here. (oh)

    My heart beats, condemns you for leaving me here.

    All this emptiness hurts,

    and it seems to me as if it tears my heart up.

    We are one, and both nevertheless alone

    and I wait, I remain strong

    you are the best thing I have



    What ever you do,

    Where ever you are,

    I will remain here, waiting for you.

    As pain is;

    courage is missing to me.

    I will remain here, waiting for you.

    I would do everything for you if you will have me.

    I could stay not,

    but, hey, I will remain here and wait for you.

    Soon I will finally have you again,

    I might finally sleep nights.

    You are so far from me!

    I am missing you so much!

    The time without you falls upon me heavily.

    I wait for the day you and I are together again,

    up to then remain strong I and wait for you!


    How quickly one says " I'll never leave you "

    But you are so far away,

    Without you, girl, I strain

    To hold you and keep you with me, to hold you and never give you up.


    What ever you do,

    Where ever you are,

    I will remain here, waiting for you.

    (...I wait for you...)

    As pain is;

    courage is missing to me.

    I will remain here, waiting for you.  

    (...I wait for you...)

    I wait for you, all the same which you do,

    all the same where you are, you are everything for me.

    My life

  2. What ever you do!

    Where ever you are!

    I will stay here, waiting for you.

    No matter how much it will hurt,

    and even if I dont have the courage.

    It hurts, when ever I dont see you.

    It seems as if, without you my world comes to a stop.

    Finally to hold you in my arms again,

    not taking another step without you.

    You are just too beautiful to be true.

    Believe me I cherish your life more then mine,

    and I wish I could show you now, how much I love you!

    But your not here!

    My heard stops, da** how Im missing you here!

    How this emptiness hurts

    and is ripping my hears apart.

    We are one, but both still so lonely,

    and I will wait, I will stay strong.

    You are the best thing that I got.


    What ever you do!

    Where ever you are!

    I will stay here, waiting for you.

    No matter how much it will hurt,

    and even if I dont have the courage.

    Id do anything to have you here with me.

    I know it cant be,

    but hey I will stay and wait for you,

    until you are here with me again,

    after all I want to get a good nights sleep again!

    Im missing you so much!

    Times without you are so hard on me!

    Im waiting for the day you are here with me again,

    till then I remain strong and keep waiting for you!

    How easy it is to say "Ill be ok without you!"

    We are so far apart,

    that Im dying without you!

    My biggest dream, to hold, to look at you!

    What I need, my darling, I will never give you up!

    What ever you do!

    Where ever you are!

    I will stay here, waiting for you.

    No matter how much it will hurt,

    and even if I dont have the courage.

    Ill be waiting for you, no matter what you do,

    no matter where you are, you are everything to me!

    My life!

    Im German.Changed some words so that they would make sense in english.

  3. What always you do!  Wherever you are!  I will remain here, wait for you!  How blow that does also, and is missing me also courage!  I will remain here,

    wait for you!  

    It hurts me if I see you nich!  My world seems itself as a würd without you nich trick' n!  I want to take go you finally again into my arms´, in my life no step more without you' n!  

    You are, believe simply too beautifully around aware to its me, I treasure your life more than a meins, and I

    wish could show I you now like *** dear very I you*!  Yet you are nich here!  (oh)

    My heart freezes, are missing damned you me here!  How this void hurts, and it seems as tears up it my heart to


    We are one, and both yet alone and I were, am I shelter strongly you the best what I have!  Baby

    Refrain:  What always you do!  Wherever you are!  I will remain here, wait for you!  (I wait for you) like blow that also does is missing will remain me, and also courage,

    I here, wait for you!  1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.  Additional details 1 hour ago

    I would do all for that to have around you with me!  I know goes it nich, but, hey, I will remain and will wait for you!  Solang until I you finally again would have finally again quietly would like to be able to sleep then, I!  You are me so distant!  You are missing me so very!  The time without

    you falls me still so heavily!  I were are on the day until you again with me until there shelter were I strong and on you!  Listen:  

    How quickly one says "I come alone well clearly!"  Yet are you so far away, I check, without you croak I girl!  To hold you and you on show' n, my

    largest dream what I custom, my treasure I never abandon you!  

    Refrain:  What always you do!  Wherever you are!  I will remain here, wait for you!  (I wait for you) like blow that also does is missing will remain me, and also courage,

    I here, wait for you!  

    (I were on you)

    I were are on you, equal what you do, equal where you, are you all for me!  My live

  4. Which always you do!

    Where always you are!

    I will remain here, waits for you!

    As pain also does,

    and also courage is missing to me!

    I will remain here, waits for you!

    It does pain to me, if I you nich seh!

    My world without you seems itself nich dreh'n as würd!

    I want you finally again into my arms nehm´, in my life no more step without you geh'n!

    You are to be simply too beautifully in order true

    Believe me, I estimate your life more than meins, and I wishes I could you now show like much I you loves ****!

    But you are nich here! (oh)

    My heart erfriert, condemns you is missing to me here!

    As this emptiness hurts,

    and it seems to me as if it tears my heart up!

    We are one, and both nevertheless alone

    and I wait, I remain strong

    you are best which I have!



    Which always you do!

    Where always you are!

    I will remain here, waits for you!

    (I wait for you)

    As pain also does,

    and also courage is missing to me,

    I will remain here, waits for you!

    I would do everything for it around you with me to have!

    I white it goes nich,

    but, hey, I will remain and for you will wait!

    Solang to I you finally again has,

    I möchte' finally again calmly sleep könn'!

    You are so far me!

    You are missing to me so much!

    The time without you falls me still so heavily!

    I wait for the day to you again with me are,

    up to then remain strong I and wait for you!


    How quickly one says " I come alone well clearly! "

    But are you so far away,

    checks I, without you strain I girl!

    To hold you and you anzuschau'n, my largest dream which I custom, my treasure I geb you never up!


    Which always you do!

    Where always you are!

    I will remain here, waits for you!

    (I wait for you)

    As pain also does,

    and also courage is missing to me,

    I will remain here, waits for you!

    (I wait for you)

    I wait for you, all the same which you do,

    all the same where you are, you are everything for me!

    Mine live

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