
Can somebody understand me being fed up?

by  |  earlier

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I prefer to contribute on Europe Travel, even on German Travel, although this site is domained by trolls, on general travel or whatever, I just do not like to get involved in any political discussion. How can one succceed?




  1. If you can't beat 'em...join 'em ! Welcome, Fellow "Troll" !

  2. Oscar Wilde once answered to the journalists: "I am not afraid of your questions, I am afraid of my answers...."

    I think you can select the tone of your answer - Good luck!

    (I had to answer some questions about Dracula and vampires - and believe me Romania means more than vampires...and Nadia Comaneci...and Revolution....)

  3. I understand completely.

    I also like to help people who have questions about Europe, most specially about my own country, the Netherlands.

    But travel questions and questions about daily live in Europe.

    No political questions though, that are not questions but rants or rants in disguise.

    I am also fed up with some questions which fall in the 'travel questions' group, all that are only about drugs and s*x, specially those that are nothing but slightly veiled insults to my country.

    But lets keep positive, keep answering the real questions and help people who appreciate it. Sometimes I get an e-mail with 'thank you', that shows real appreciation.

  4. Oh, my God, I am so with you in that! Sometimes it's just crazy. takes all the fun out of it, at times. Sad.

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