
Can somebody with Portuguese background with good English translate this for me?

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Surgindo como uma revelação promissora neste seu filme de estréia, o espanhol Juan Antonio Bayona se une ao mexicano Guillermo del Toro e ao chileno Alejandro Amenábar no grupo de cineastas latinos com talento particular para o macabro. Demonstrando pleno domínio da linguagem cinematográfica, Bayona inicia O Orfanato de maneira apropriadamente idílica, retratando um dia ensolarado num quintal verde enquanto algumas crianças brincam despreocupadamente – e é apenas a dissonante trilha que indica, de maneira sutil, que algo não está certo naquele cenário. Com isso, o diretor estabelece uma dinâmica perfeita com o espectador: mesmo nos instantes aparentemente inofensivos, antecipamos a tensão que está por vir e, no processo, nos encarregamos de mantê-la presente durante toda a projeção, num jogo divertido que arrebenta os nervos (em vários instantes da narrativa percebi que estava sorrindo por antever, ansioso, o susto que logo se seguiria).




  1. Please dont use online translators....they make you look ignorant.

    Its a lot to translate, so I'll just give you a small summary.

    Basically its an article complimenting and congratulating the Actors/Directors for their talents in cinematography.

  2. Appearing as a promising revelation in this its film of estréia, the Spaniard Juan Antonio Bayona joins the Mexican Guillermo del Toro and the Chilean Alejandro Amenábar in the Latin group of cinematographers, who share a particular talent for ‘macabro’. Demonstrating full domain of the cinematographic language, Bayona initiates the Orphanage in an appropriately idyllic way, portraying one day sunny in a green yard while some children play without a care in the world - and are only the distant track that she indicates, in a subtle way, that something is not certain in that scene. With this, the director establishes a perfect dynamics with the spectator: exactly in the apparently harmless instants, we anticipate the tension that is forth coming and, in the process, puts in charge in them to keep it present during all the projection, in an amused game that unsettles the nerves (in some instants of the narrative I perceived that it was smiling for foreseeing, anxious, the scare that soon would be followed).

    Additional Details

    Enriched by the shady photography and replica of nuisances of Óscar Faura, the Orphanage sins only for extending itself excessively as an epilogue that, in the attempt to moor its untied tips excessively, finishes diluting the impact of what it comes before. Still, this is an unequivocally tragic, impactive work and  so shady that he sends the spectator from the  projection room with an awkward sensation that remains intense for a good length of time. And this, I believe, is a tremendous compliment.

    Hope that this helps!!

  3. Antonio Bayona joins the Mexican Guillermo del Toro and Alejandro Amenábar in the Chilean group of filmmakers with talent Latin particular to the macabre. Demonstrating full field of language film, The Orphanage Bayona starts properly so idyllic, depicting a sunny day in a garden green while some children playing lightly - and is the only track that indicates dissonante, so subtle, that something is not right in that scenario. Therefore, the director establishes a perfect momentum to the spectator, even in moments seemingly harmless, anticipate the tension that's to come, and in the process, the task of maintaining it throughout this projection, in a game that arrebenta the nerves (several moments in the narrative that was realized by predict smiling, eager, the fright that soon come).

    Enriquecido the photo and full of dark shades of Oscar Faura, The Orphanage piece by only extend to others in one second epilogue that, in attempting to tie their tips too loose, just diluting the impact than before viera. Still, this is clearly a tragic work, impressive and somber that sends the viewer out of the projection room with an unpleasant feeling that remains intense for a long time. And that, believe me, is a tremendous compliment

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