
Can someone's SSN benefits that have been paid in (say by a father) be garnished for back child support?

by  |  earlier

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The father owes $20,000+ in back support, is in jail, can't and won't pay, and there's no assets. Only thing is what he's paid into SSN.




  1. If he is currently drawing SS benefits then, yes; however, the way the question is worded you are asking if the amount paid into SS can be claimed and, if that is truly the question, the answer is no.

  2. NO

    what is paid in to SS is destributed to crippled children and seniors

    it is not a bank account

  3. When a person is incarcerated, their Social Security benefits are stopped and they have to reapply for benefits upon release.

    If a person's only income is Social Security, they cannot garnish the wages. However, if a parent is on Social Security, the other parent can apply for benefits for their children for child support.

    A person should contact a lawyer and to Social Security Administration for more information.

  4. Yes it can.

  5. I would say yes just because my ex was getting cash assistance for his children with his 2nd wife when she left them and they were taking his childsupport out and sending it to me.  They will probably only take out the current month and any arrears the courts have set up.  For example my ex is suppose to pay 199 a month plus 100 a month towards the 10 thousand he owes me.  

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