
Can someone Explained Whats a " Mexican Minute"????

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I just ordered a pizza and some guy said dont worry your pizza will be there in a Mexican Minute.




  1. It's similar to 'Island Time' if you've ever been Hawaii, or similar place.

    People aren't constantly rushing around to get things done.  It's not that they're lazy, but the general pace of everything is more laid back.

  2. An American Hour (or when it's ready). No joke. It's like Philippine time or Island time.

    BTW. I don't consider it to be racist or bigoted, nor is my answer intended to be as such. If one wants to believe it as such, then I guess a New York minute can be equated as such. Whatever.

  3. I am Hispanic and I have to say I have never heard that before. Maybe this guy was showing his level of intelligence? Maybe he does not know the concept of time? Maybe he was never educated there fore does not know how to say "In thirty minutes..."

  4. This Mexican American woman has never heard nor used that phrase, face it, it is racist and implies that it will "be ready

    when its ready"

  5. it was a slur

    report it to the manager...

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