
Can someone Help explain the ovulation chart to me?

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I have a hard time understanding the ovulation chart, and my partner and I would like to try and get pregnant. My period starts every month about one day after my previous period ended. Example; July my period was the 8-12, this month, August it was the 14-18, so next month I will start around the 19/20. How many days does this make my cycle? and when would be my best time to conceive?




  1. You always count from the first day of your period, so for july your first day was 8th, counting until the first day of your next period is 37 days with the 14th Aug being day 1 of your next cycle. Typically you ovulate 14 days before your next period is due, assuming you ovulated then it would have been around the 31st july. If your periods are regular and you are due on again on the 19th sept you would probably ovulate around the 5th september. The best time for you to try and conceive would be the couple of days before you ovulate, the day you expect to and the day after as the egg can live 12-24hrs after ovulation. The most accurate way to know when you ovulate is by using ovulation predictor tests. Good luck, hope this helps

  2. To accurately determine when you ovulate, you need to learn about and utilize BBT (basel body temperature), CM (cervical mucus), and CP (cervical position).

    If you don't want the hassle, the best you can then do is ASSUME that you ovulate 14 days before you expect your next period to start.  If you don't have consistant cycles, then you'll have to resort to other means.

    To really learn more, I'd suggest reading the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility".

  3. I agree, you should chart your bbt.  You can learn a lot from the charts.    

    To do this, just buy a regular digital thermometer and take your temperature at the same time every morning.  *You should do this before you get out of bed ( I set my alarm for 5 am, take my temp and go back to sleep.) Then write it down on your chart which you can download a printable chart from or keep one online at  I keep one online.  When I turn my thermometer on, it shows that last temp taken, that way I don't have to remember my temp until I can get to my computer.  It is a "Vicks" brand.

    Go to to see what you can learn from bbt charts.

  4. You seem to have a longer cycle than the average 28 day cycle. Yours seem to be around 32 or 33 days. The best days to conceive is around your ovulation date. The ovule can be fertilised for 24 hours and the sperm usually survives about 72 hours.

    Charting bdy basal temperature is the probably the best way of understanding your mesntrual cycle.

    The basal body temperature is the lowest temperature the body attains during periods of rest, so usually during undisturbed sleep. When you ovulate, your basal body temperature increases slightly by about half a degree and stays that way until your periods when your basal body temperature drops again.

    Women who chart their basal body temperature usually have a regular sleeping pattern, meaning that they usually wake up early every morning to take their temperature (before doing anything). So it can be quite annoying and difficult to get used to.

    I heard about a month ago that an English company is developing a new fertility monitor, duofertility (, that you wear as a patch under your arm and that measures temperature continuously. So you don't have to wake up early every day to measure your temperature. You can also connect it to your computer to access your temperature chart.

    They're organising a free user trial this summer. My husband and I have signed up for it. Waiting for a confirmation. I would give it a go if I were you. You have nothing to lose, especially if you're trying to get pregnant.

    Alternatively there are other ways to detect your ovulation, such as LH strips and saliva microscopes (not too sure about those). You can check it all out on wikipedia.

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