
Can someone PLEASE help me find my birthmom (im a teenager)?

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her name is april and she is very ive heard.

i met her when i was seven and i live in texas

my parents names are jeanne and brian

she had a few other kids that also were adopted ..the story i was told was that she planned on getting married so she slept with her bf but they didnt end up reallly getting married...but im not sure if thats the truth

she is partially deaf and i miss her so much

i feel like i saw a picture once of her in her kitchen and she was ??marrried??? and she had a little girl with dark hair

i have blonde hair and i love singing and dancing and

april gave me a hummingbird with very small jewels on it about the size of an actual hummingbird when i met her when i was seven..

if this sounds familiar in any way please pleaseeeeee contact mee




  1. do your parents know where she is?

  2. i am soooooooooo sorry about what hapened, if you want to find her, call 1-800-lost and explain your story, they will use a computer to imagine what she looks like and they'll find her. i wish you luck!!! and i am a singer too. i just got a great deal from a studio manager to start singing. my dream is becoming true. so make yours true. keep on beleiving that you will find her!!! and she will come to you in no time

  3. That is really sad...I'm happy you're trying to find your mom. When you're describing your mom, it sounds like you're describing misslaydee510.

  4. you may want to try hiring a detective....

  5. I'm so sorry! I don't live anywhere near Texas, but keep on looking 'till you find her! You must be very strong and keep holding on to your dreams. They will come true if you set your heart to it!

  6. wait... if ur telling the truth, that description is of my mom perfectly!!! omg! we might be related!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she talks about u all the time and says she cant wait 2 c u again.

  7. That's sad. I feel for you. I'll pray for you, too. I don't know how much this site will help you. Why not go ask your current parents? Maybe they'll be able to help you find the resources. I hope this helps. Stay strong!

  8. hold out.They are trying to make it legal to let adopted children check records and easily find their parents.Hopefully your mom has a record of you.Good luck.I hope you find her.

  9. You can also go to IF you happen to know the last name of your birth mom.  Other than that, depending on the state you were adopted from, you may be able to access any adoption records from the state records office.  Have you talked to your parents about this?  Maybe they know more and will be willing to help you with this.  

    Good luck to you and I hope your search ends happily.

  10. Good luck friend. If no luck, if it's the same there in Texas as it is here, once you are 18, you can request information about your birthparents from the adoption agency, without having to get your adoptive parents to request it for you. Until then, to my knowledge, your parents have to request it for you because you're a minor.

    I know 18 seems far away, but chin up. It'll come faster than you think. Have you talked to your adoptive parents about requesting this information for you about your biological mother?

  11. first of all who is she....?this story is confusing....

  12. I highly recommend that you email the Dr.Phil Show. You can write them or click on their upcoming topics to see if any of them apply to your situation. They could probably help you!

  13. im pretty sure someone will help you find your mom on yahoo. just wait a little bit longer

  14. ok.  first off.  this sounds authentic. so why are folks attacking nasty and being rude?

    i would advise you to first talk with your parents about your desire to see your birthmom.  if she saw you when you were younger, then i'm sure your parents who who she is. also, i would try an speak to an adult you trust (like a school counselor) to help you with feeling sad.

    i really hope you find her... take care.

  15. can you talk to your aparents about this? they can really help you out if you're able to talk to them.

    If you can please ask them to contact the state or agency you were adopted through and to request your non identifying information. this is valuble in a search usually.

    Also, i'm unsure if you can have them register you in the texas state registry, but if they're able to , then ask them to.

    Also have them file a consent to release your information into your file at the agency. be sure that it states that you would want contact from anyone in your family ( if thats what you want ) ie: mother, father and siblings etc.

    Until then, also ask them if they know her last name. because if you know her first, and they met her with you, chances are THEY KNOW her last name. With her last name you can do alot of searching on your own.

    Heres a link that if you scroll to the bottom you can access 2 or 3 texas searching groups just for adoptees :)

    don't ever give up. If your aparents won't help you then order all of the applications for your non id, consent to release papers etc. and mail them in the day of your 18th birthday.

    Get involved with your local highschool about adoptee rights and the discrimination you are facing by being denied your birth certificate. Write about it in your school paper and never give up hope!!

    IF you can't ask your aparents, then search for what you can through your memory, papers etc. find baby books, baptism records at churches etc.

    you'll find her, don't give up hope.

  16. Depending on the state, you may have to wait until your either 18 or 21.  I had to wait until I was 21 to find my birthmother.  What I did was contact the adoption agency I was adopted through, pay $250 to have to court records of the adoption opened, and then see if my birthmother filled out the paperwork, and kept her contact information updated.  If the forms were filled out correctly, and your birthmother did want you to contact her, it's pretty easy.  My adoption was what's called closed adoption.  So my adopted parents never saw or met my birthparents.  All the court records were sealed until I turned 21.  I don't know if you are in the same situation, but that's what I had to do.  Good Luck, I hope you find her.  

    I would contact an adoption agency to find out at what age you can start looking.

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