
Can someone access my computer personal information if i am using a non-protected wireless network?

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Can someone access my computer personal information if i am using a non-protected wireless network?




  1. No they can't the network does not go through your computer, that is to say your computer is not part of the path to the mainstream internet, your computer is bypassed on a Wireless network. The only thing someone else can do is use your wireless router to have internet on their system.

    Hoot ;)

  2. yes,most definately!! Unless you spend a few thousand dollars on a top of line cisco router nothing is really secure. Even few hundred dollar routers with encryption are not entirely safe as there is other hacking equipment out there that can get into a router.Not in any abundance as of yet but out there!

  3. yes, they might be able to but you are talking about some pro-hackers not your neighbors unless they are hackers themselves in which your s.o.l. but i doubt that don't be to worried about it and set up security on your router most of them have some type of device (button, etc) that you can use to setup security.

  4. It's possible yes, just set up your routers WEP security and set a password and you'll be fine

  5. hackers can

  6. Not easily, but anyone with a wireless machine can be reading all your trnasmissions. This means ALL your clear text user names, passwords, emails and sites visited (including banking addresses) become public.This can give them enough insight to break into your machine, but can also result in identity theft. Apart from this, if you are using an unsecured network without the express consent of the owner you are liable for up to 5 years prison for stealing service. Under recent international agreements it is now also considered stealing from their ISP even if the owner consents. Several ISPs have prosecuted already, none have lost a case.

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