
Can someone actually give me PROPER proof about the so called Armageddon know as "Global Warming"?

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I want real proof. No "The co2 melt the bloody ice caps" rubbish. I may be 13, but I am not one to be patronised. I'll say it again. REAL PROOF. I don't want you to give me a link to show me some picture of Mount Everst back 100 years ago all snowey and icey and Mount Everest now with all it's snow and ice melted.




  1. "Proof" that GW will cause armageddon? First, there is no proof in science. But beyond that, there is no evidence that CO2 will cause any major disruption. Why? Because they are projections for the future. These climate sensitivity estimates are hypotheses (every climate scientist should agree with that). Too much reliance on hypotheses can lead to poor decisions.

  2. Sure.  Most every scientist in the world knows it's real, and mostly caused by us.  The real proof is in the links below.  I won't patronize you, but if you really want to understand, you actually have to do some work.

    This is science and what really counts is the data, not people's intuition.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  3. its just one of those stupid "end of the world" predictions that actually are just a fundraiser for a company and al gore didnt win the president so he needed some money and a reason to be mr. prezz in 2008(yeah right hilary and obama)so its a load of c**p for money dont let it make your life a non electric recycling h**l so get over it calm down never believe any of the end of the world things in the 20th century theres been 496 predictions not one was true so this is just another speedbump in mankind,we will live on!!!! and Rock ON!!!!!

  4. congratulations on being able to think for yourself!

    you can use your computer to check the average temperature of the earth to see if there is any actual warming.

    we have only had weather satellites that can check temperatures for about 30 years so any temps from more than 30 years ago will not be as accurate as modern data or will be from widely scattered locations so use at least 1/2 of a degree as an error or fudge factor.

    if you do this yourself you wont have to depend on anyone else's opinion as long as your data sources are reasonably accurate.

    look for actual numbers instead of dramatic graphs.

  5. There's no conclusive proof that there is man made global warming.

  6. * There is no "scientific consensus" on global warming

        * Climate is always changing – with or without man

        * The Medieval Warm Period was significantly warmer than temperatures today – and was a golden age for agriculture, innovation, and lifespan

        * Most of Antarctica is actually getting colder

        * Hurricanes are not getting worse – our tendency to build houses in their path is getting greater

        * Many big businesses lobby for global warming policies that will increase their profits – and our costs

        * The media only recently abandoned the "global cooling" scare

        * The real agenda behind the "global warming" scare? A massive expansion of government control over the economy and our lives

  7. Well CO2 and global warming are linked. But exactly which are cause and effect. Since CO2 lags global warming it can't be the cause. CO2 is dissolved in sea water, it's what algae use in photo synthesis. As temperatures rise (due to higher rates of solar activity) the sea water can hold less CO2 in suspension and it gets released.

  8. What I also don't understand is now the "greenhouse effect" can affect desolate areas (with ice melting) not producing a lot of CO2 and pollution, yet many areas producing a lot of pollution are experiencing record cold temperatures.

  9. Unstoppable Soalr Cycles

    Global Warming Facts:

    The Truth About Climate Change:

    Scientists Ignored:

    An Inconvenient Truth or Convenient Fiction? Part II:

  10. Here It Is... Read The Part About Iceland

    The following was a 30 minute speech I delivered for school


    I.  For a long time people have been looking through glasses that have foggy lenses of deception regarding global warming.  In the next couple of minutes I intend to show you a more accurate eye chart and update your prescription.

    A.  Reasons for listening to my speech are very simple.  One of the main reasons is that Global Warming is nothing to waste your time on.  If it so important to the environment, then we would have done something for it by now.  Another reason that you should listen is that this could be a life changing speech that greatly effects every moment of your life from here on out.

    I am 100% accurate in reporting my information.  I have done the research necessary to ensure that you are getting nothing but hard core facts.  For the past several weeks of my life has been dedicated to finding out information for my speech topic.  Nobody knows as much credible information on this topic as I do.

    C. My point for this speech is to try and persuade you to see the light at the end of the dirty tunnel of humanities’ lies.

    II.  Global Warming is the most debatable topic that was probably ever around.  You need to know this information.  If you don’t educate yourself properly on this topic you will live the rest of your life in fear of something that doesn’t exist.

    A.  Global Warming is a natural cycle.  Everything about it is natural.  Carbon dioxide levels vary throughout time.  Humans can make little or no impact on the environment.

    1.  Take a look at this chart taken from an online internet poll.  What do you notice from this?  There is a close tie between adults that believe in Global Warming and some that don’t.  As you can see the charts are pretty close.  There is about one person who doesn’t believe in Global Warming to two people who do.  This means that only 60% of the world believes in global warming.  My goal by the end of this speech is to have the 60% be persuaded that they are not believing in the accurate thing.  With the following facts, I am 100% sure that this goal is possible and will be achieved.

    2.  Al Gore stated this quote in his movie “…The 10 hottest years ever recorded were within 15 years of today.”  Now this point is valid and true, but we have not been measuring the temperature or anything since the early nineteen hundreds.  Can we go down and see how the polar ice caps were doing in the early 1800’s?  We can not do that  because temperature was not recorded.  You may say that they guessed using carbon dioxide levels,  but whose to say that they are right?  I heard that scientific measures were not always accurate because they took a hundred year old log and did some carbon 14 testing on it.  Scientists thought that it was thousands of years old.  It was later proved to be younger after more tests were ran.  Whose to say that our method of discovering weather is right?   We have been measuring temperature for only a short period of time.  Earth right now is in a heating process.  Thousands of years ago we were cooling which is when we had an Ice Age.  Now we are doing the opposite and are starting to warm up before cooling again. Look at this political cartoon.  What is one thing that you notice?  I notice it being freezing then gradually getting warmer. As my next point is about to prove, we have no effect on the environment no matter what we do.

    3.  In 1990 a volcano in the Philippines erupted violently.  It was by far one of the biggest explosions of the century.  We all have read about how volcanoes let off carbon dioxide, but did you know this… When the volcano erupted, it put more carbon dioxide in the air than all of humanity has ever produced…. More than humans have made since the creation of time.  All in just a matter of hours. Look at this picture.  See all of this carbon dioxide being put into the air?  While, with all of this there was no temperature increase or decrease at all… just some carbon dioxide level changes, but nothing major.  If volcanoes put off this much carbon dioxide with no effect, then how could we be doing this?  When all this happened, then how could you be persuaded that humans who produce fractions of that amount could impact the environment in fractions of the time.  Humans if we tried could not severely impact the environment.  It is just too big.  Even if we are letting some off, plants and other natural recyclers of Carbon Dioxide are just transforming them to oxygen.

    4.  During World War II,  we dropped two nuclear bombs on Japan.  We spilled tons of harmful green house gasses into mother nature.  This includes  radiation, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.  After all of that happened, again there was no effect to the environment that was found.  Hiroshima has been having radiation problems still, but there is no significant temperature problem.  Nothing humans do can severely change our environment.  We only occupy about 50% of the globe.  The other 50% is the ocean, ice caps, and land that is not suitable for humans.  How could two nuclear bombs not have an impact on the environment, but changing a light bulb in your house to fluorescent can save the environment?  It is just impossible that we could have an impact.    

    5.  Another point is that if you look in your text book, I promise you that you will find these words… “When Washington was marching his troops, it was bitterly cold outside”  Bitterly cold means freezing.  I know that they didn’t have supplies but Virginia in the summer (which is when they fought) is warm.  As you can see by these charts, it was 106 degrees outside in the summer.  This is without humidity too.  Now when we look at this chart it shows us that the battle was fought in Yorktown.  There isn‘t much of a distance between Yorktown and Richmond, were this was recorded.  How was it bitterly cold a few hundred years ago when now it is normal?  The conclusion is that it is a natural cycle.  The cycle changes every several hundred years.  It was cold then, and now it is slowly warming up.  We have nothing to do with it.  This is perfectly natural for our environment to do.  We would like to believe that humans are the dominate species.  Have we ever thought to wonder if what we believe in is caused by nature?

    6.  One of the most important factual information is still on our planet.  Greenland is one of the most misunderstood places around.  People like to believe that the reason that it got it’s name is because the settlers didn’t want people to move there so they called an icy land Greenland so that settlers would move their instead of Iceland were it really was green..  After I saw a show on the discovery channel,  I concluded that it was actually green.  When the first settlers went there,  they dined on grapes and cows.  I don’t think that I am mistaken, but how could a cow live on an icy land with nobody to feed it.  Grapes grow in warm environments which is not ice.  Greenland fits that exact description.  Also as you can see on this picture, there is still some green left in it.  All of it was green once, which proves that it once was green and now it is ice because of the natural cycle, it is starting to freeze.  Now Greenland is melting to start the process all over again.  In a few hundred years, Greenland will begin to freeze.


    7.  Ok…  Phoenix is known as a hot dry desert place.  You think that it keeps getting hotter and hotter here each summer.  Take a look at this display on the screens.  As you can see,  during the day the sun is radiating energy to a large city… lets call it Phoenix.  It does this all day until the sun starts to go down.  As you can see now,  the buildings are built up with radiation while the desert area barely got any radiation build up.  Now it is night and as you can see the buildings are radiating heat forming a heat bubble.  Now in Phoenix at night it is around 95 degrees.  That is because of the buildings radiating.  We are made of concrete and steel so we absorb heat.  Take a look over at the desert.  See how the temperature there is lower?  This is because it is not trapped in the heat bubble of radiation.

    8.Many people relate global warming with long citywide droughts.  Like in Phoenix, we are in a drought.  There are many reasons why this is not caused by us. Have you ever watched the news and heard the following phrase “… and people of Chandler are getting pelted by rain, many individuals are putting up sand bags to protect their homes…?”  What this is saying is that small little cities are getting poured on.  Look at the power point and see why,  The big glob in the center is called Phoenix, Glendale, and Peoria.  Ok now imagine that we are in the middle of a storm.  The red indicates heavy rain and the yellow indicates moderate rain.  As you can see from this animation that I made,  the storm is going around Phoenix.  We are a giant blob and the storm is just simply avoiding us.  Smaller cities like Chandler and Mesa are being pelted by this continuous down pour.  So in smaller cities they may say, “We got rained on the most we ever have” and the airport were they measure the amount of rain says there were only a few drops of rain.  This proves that we did not cause the drought by carbon dioxide, but we did it by industrializing.  

    9.  Global Warming is also just a political trap.  Who are the only ones who want to try and do something about global warming besides tree huggers?  Politicians do.  When somebody is running for office this makes a better point, I am going to save the world!  Who would you rather vote for… Mr. Free Dental Insurance, or Mr. I am Going To Save The Planet From Destruction!  

  11. The best way to learn the truth about global warming is to spend some time reading what actual climate scientists (not Al Gore, not Rush Limbaugh, not some talking head on cable news) say about the subject. Here's some good links where your questions can be answered:

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

    NASA Global Warming Q&A

    The Scientific Basis for Anthropogenic Global Warming (not a practicing climate scientist, but a well written explanation)

  12. Armageddon and Global warming are two different issues.

  13. jamie my brother, there is no proof. truth is the ice caps on both poles ar increasing. in 1975 there were 10000 polar bears, now theres 25000. record low temps around the globe last winter. here in minnesota usa, the temp is 62 degrees ferrinhiet and ive been here for 45 years, and never seen it this chilly. global warming is a hoax. i know you said no links, but this one if you care to check it out, will educate you. its called "minnesotans for global warming", and surely has ALL the info you need, even to combat the inviromentalist kooks you may run into. always remember my little brother, liberals cannot confront you at all when you are armed with facts. liberalism is all emotion, and if your a liberal, you asking this question, your brain has not been fully infected! read, learn, prosper, and don't be guilty of your success as being a capitolist-start with nothing and become something-it's the best feeling in the world~~!! good luck my friend!! also many many things from the uk discounting global warming!!

  14. You breathe out Carbon dioxide + when we have cars they produce CO2 + When cows f**t they produce the most CO2 in the world (not kidding) + we are killing trees which breath in CO2 + Industrialization has taken away from trees and given birth to over population and factories, which produce CO2 + We are running out of oil and coal, which means we used a h**l of a lot of CO2 + the red sunrise is only red because it is blocked by, you guessed it CO2 + The amount of CO2 is amounting to masses, if you look at the ozone layer, it is gone! + (just tellign you that the atmosphere will heal itself if we let it) The stupid US refuses to install more than 1, yes ONE, hydrogen fuel station, which produces OXYGEN in its whole d**n country, while in EUROPE the BMW's and Bentley's already have HYdrogen bio-capabilities (and yes I am probably the worst american ever) = physical visible evidence of productions of carbon emissions that can be stopped but are being ignored,because we won't be around when everyone suffocates to death. We have to work on it, everyone in the world does, I am not saying to go 10000000000% green, I am just saying that it is there and I would like to ignore it (because I am right wing on most issues) but physical evidence will not lie to you.

    By the way if this freaks you out don't read it, but don't throw a can in the trash when there is a recycle bin right next to it, or five-ten feet away.

  15. Well see.People think armeggeden will be caused by us human beings.But,But the thing they dont know is that.The united steates is one of the top contributors to global warming.The u.s.a. has alot of nuclear reactors and thye have nuclera plants.They also have had nuclear weapons testing which cna cause luekimia but that is a whole different story.Japan and europe are the countries adn continent that is making the most effort to decrease global warming.Because japan is making smart cars and it is at the same time making small cars and the people there ride their bikes and use public transportation because they have alot of cars to but alot of them are very small and lectric and thye are hybrids.But armeggeden is sometyhing like the sky is falling.But my mom has one of the worst gas guzzlers.She has a GMC YUKON it is 15 miles epr gallon but i hope th is answered you're question

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