
Can someone actualy tell me why drugs are bad? ?

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Why is something that one can use to enchance a state of mind that is already obtainable bad?




  1. tell you why drugs are bad actually?

    well,,,i'm sorry i can not tell you why..

    but i can tell you .. that life is good enough without such drugs...

  2. The Only drug that should be legal in my eyes is marijauna because you are able to control yourself and the effects are bad but think about all the other c**p. All other drugs can kill you Acid,PCP,Alcohol, Tabacco, Etc. all that c**p does massive damage to you brain and body  

  3. they mess with your body sending bad messages so you get dehydrated, and can make you lose ur memory, they are just like poison would you drink cleaning Bleach if it made u high??

  4. The problem is that they're addictive and harmful to the body…they impair judgment and kill brain cells!  If there is a truly non-addicting drug that doesn't do harm to the body, I'm all for it. So far, there doesn't seem to be such a drug.!!!.

  5. Drugs causes Dependency due to raised Tolerance.

    To tell in simple your body cannot perform job or think with out that drug, you'll take it-Dependency

    You'll have effect with 0.5 gm today which is not sufficient after 1 month.You'll increase it to 1gm ,where body tries  to adjust with new volume, drugs side effects begins-Increase tolerance

    At this stage it is very difficult to stop drugs.  

  6. Although substances can feel good at first, they can ultimately do a lot of harm to the body and brain. Drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, taking illegal drugs, and sniffing glue can all cause serious damage to the human body. Some drugs severely impair a person's ability to make healthy choices and decisions. Teens who drink, for example, are more likely to get involved in dangerous situations, such as driving under the influence or having unprotected s*x.

  7. An enchances state of mind dosent mean that you see giant butterflys attacking godzilla while walking on planet nepton  

  8. Hello,

    Assuming you are talking about "illegal" drugs.....

    Alcohol was illegal at one time.

    Marijuana, pot whatever you want to call it is what "Marinol" (sp) is based off of.

    Adderal,ridilan (sp) is based off of speed.

    There is even a pill form of meth.

    Caffeine is the number one drug widely used, i can be found in everything!  

    People are funny. A person will argue with another when asked what drug is there choice of drug, with a coffee cup in hand they will claim they don't take drugs.

    People are drug ignorant and it is funny/sad.

    Whole countries make there money from the illegal sale of drugs primarily here in America. Billions of our dollars are supporting the same hostile forces we are fighting......  with American money!!

    Most people are happy being ignorant.....

  9. The drugs that are mentioned in this forum are for the treatment of certain mental disorders and are medications.  These drugs may have side-effects that have been studied.

    The drugs used by people to get 'high' are taken vountarily by the person who had nothing wrong with them in the first place!  These drugs can have serious side-effects that can lead to a mental illness.

    If a 'normal' person decided to take some of the drugs prescribed for someone who is mentally ill then they would become very sick indeed as those drugs have chemicals designed to help someone who is sick.

  10. Drugs kill your brain cells and your body.  

  11. Alcohol is a drug.  Taken in moderation, that is ok  But overuse can cause health problems as well as job, relationship and legal problems (DUI, disorderly conduct) and more

    Illegal drugs - can have certain side effects that are dangerous - hallucinations, health problems (e.g, heart attack).  People tend to overuse illegal substances to get more of a high (builds up tolerance) which then can cause even more problems because they alter the mind

  12. Firstly drugs were not developed to be 'bad' ... they were developed to help and make things better for the person taking them.....

    The original source and thinking behind the development of drugs was from Homeopathy - treating symptoms with like to improve them.... science and drug companies came along, saw the success of Homeopathy and decided to investigate what part of the plant was the 'successful' part - and then reproduce it in a form that people can take (and make money from doing it) ...... therefore they were looking for the 'good' in drugs ......

    To answer you then, drugs are only 'bad' if they are the wrong ones, don't do what you need them to do and have side effects, or your are given the wrong dosage level or you abuse the taking of them...

    To give science it's credit, over the long term it has observed the effects of certain drugs on a person .... where the initial effect was good, but the long term effect (where the body has got a build up or has developed some form of tolerance or immunity) the drugs then had the opposite effect . they have undertaken, and still undertake trials and tests to see what and how these 'bad' effects do, how long for, and how they affect the body ......

    I think you're asking about Cannabis, or Weed or Ganga? Right?  If so then exactly as I have described is your answer..... tests.observations and trials have shown the pain killing effects, the feel good effects of taking this drug, in the long term, the good effects actually lessen and the bad effects result in causing the mind to become paranoid and depressed, making the user lose touch with reality to a fair degree and unable to function properly and the body itself becomes addicted to the need for the drug ..... similar 'bad' effects have been found in other drugs.... that's why there are warnings of side effects, and addiction to long term use .....

    hope this helps


  13. If a persons state of mind needs enhancing with drugs then they have probably already lost the plot.

    The drugs will be taking over their brain leaving them mindless.

  14. They are bad because of two reasons. The first one is that they are addictive and make your consciousness dull. You need more and more doses to reach the states you achieved earlier. When such easy routes are available people tend to go to halucinations only. They do not try to strive to achieve it with conciousness. When you come back from drug trip the reality looks more painful and without drug you can not live.Then there is body craving for the drug.One should strive to be more and more free.

    Second reason is that they themself is bad for health.The quality of drug needs to be improved. The drug should be chemically non addictive and chemically unharmful. But that is not the case.

  15. because you will quickly die oneday without making any achievement in your life !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. In my point of view, there are some BAD drugs, there are some NOT SO BAD drugs, and there are some RELITIVELY OK drugs.

    As far as I am concerned, Bad drugs include: Ectasy, Speed,Ice, Heroin. Party Drugs in general. Because You don't know where they came from, or what is in them and so the side effects can be catastrophic. And you equally have absolutely no idea of how addictive they are until you are addicted. And you don't know what it could potentially do to your body.

    Not So Bad Drugs, include Tobacco. Because you know what it is, what is in it and is not as addictive as people always seem to say. You know what the side effects are and what it will eventually do to your body.

    Alcohol and Marijuana, in my view, are Relitively Ok Drugs. If used in moderation and responsibly used, there is very little harm in getting stoned once a month or going out drinking with your friends every few weeks.

    This whole idea with drugs being bad is derived from people being irrisponsible and stupid with them. If you don't drink too much, then you are fairly safe, if you don't get to completely stoned off your face, then there is nothing to worry about.

    If however, you go out and get drunk deliberatley; then I feel you only have yourself to blame when you wrap your car around a gum tree during a drag race or something.

    So I think it is all to do with people only ever hearing about the bad things that come of drugs being used that gives people this idea that drugs are bad.

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