
Can someone analyze this dream for me?

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It was the first day of school, and my mom's friend and two of her daughters, whom I am friends with, were there. The mom was the homeroom teacher for one of my classes, and one of her daughters (who is my age) was there too. The littler one was just there because she needed to be watched. It was dark in the room and there was a blank slide on the overhead. Then the bell rang and it was time for lunch, and we ate outside at these narrow tables that hugged the walls. Then we had to go to the auditorium, and suddenly I was onstage, and I was a character like Francie from "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" - you know, little girl with dress and stockings and shoes and very quiet. I had survived the Holocaust, apparently, and I was going to be brought back later that night to sign autographs. So that night, I was actually in the audience and was watching a musical about Nancy Drew, and collecting autographs from the performers. Then I went backstage and found my mom talking to these two people I know from my community theater - adults who direct - about "Titanic" which is my favorite movie. She was telling them (false) behind-the-scenes secrets and was also talking about the guy I like, who the adults at my theater happened to know. Then I went onstage and told my Holocaust "story" and then I was waiting backstage for curtain calls. I looked down from my high platform and saw people on a platform below me, but only their feet. Then we filed out and there was a little crafts fair on the school grounds. As I was browsing jewelry, everyone told me how much they liked my story, and I felt bad because it was all made up. Some girl even made me a member of some aviation club she led. The dream ended with me and my mom looking for replicas of "Titanic" jewelry and dresses.

I know it's very long, but it was all so diverse that it makes no sense to me. Anyone know anything about this weird dream?




  1. It sounds like you want to perform, and suddenly found yourself performing and liked it.  Titanic is the thing you really wanted to perform, but were in this other production.  You looked down and saw people's feet, because you were feeling so elevated above them, and you liked it.  

    You were enjoying the acclaim, even tho you felt it was made up, and were browsing for Titanic jewelry and dresses, because that is the production you'd really prefer to be performing in.

    Your mom was being very supportive, even telling things that weren't true to make you look better.

    It's all good.

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