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am up in court for a traffic offence?

hi i live i Ireland. last year my sons car broke down and he needed to a car to get to work.I had a car in my garage so I left him use it.he got his insurance changed over to this car but there was no tax or nct on it. the cops stopped him and took the car off him. he got summonses for driving with no tax and not having an nct disc and not producing these within 10 days. I got summoned for letting him drive the car that wasnt taxed or did not have an nct cert.

my question is would I be better to get a solicitor to represent me when I go to court ? or would be just the same outcome if I go without one?ha. I have never had to go to court before so I really dont know what to expect. has anyone else out there been in the same position ? what happened to you in court?




  1. Always get a solicitor.  You are going to court, and the outcome can have lasting effects for some time.  How to choose one?  Consult of a friend, or do what I do,,,,, I call the clerk of court for the area I'm supposed to be attending court, and ask them.  They know the winners from the losers.  

    With your excellent record, with the right solicitor - well respected and known in the court - you may be able to wiggle out of much of the charges and fines.  

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