
Can someone apply this quote to the emerging government of Iraq?

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"From time to time democracies must be fertilized with the blood of tyrants and patriots, it amkes for a great manure."

We have seen the blood of the tyrant, Saddam is dead. But where is the blood of THEIR patriots? I have seen our soldiers dying, and their soldiers have died as well, but where are the emerging heroes? Why do we not hear about someone from the rank and file of the militia or army to lead their democracy? It cannot be because there are not great heroes in their midst...could it be that our government does not allow any of these lower caste members of their society to thrive and grow into leadership because they have already handpicked the representatives that they want?

Our country was born of natural leaders, great men who served their country valiantly...I want to see their great leaders emerge without our interference.




  1. The difference is that in our country, we rose up ourselves.  Our heroes started the rebellion, fought against terrible odds, and organized everything - the birth of our country came from within.

    Imagine if another country, France was a big power then, invaded and overthrew the British for us.  Then they picked out a number of people, put them in a room, and forced them to come up with a Constitution.  THEN, they organized elections, and pretty much chose who would be on the ballots.  They did all this while pointing a gun in our faces, and killing anyone who tried to stand up to them, or tried to avenge the death of a family member that died during a battle from a stray French bullet.

    There are no such leaders rising up in Iraq, because they didn't start this, it was all done for them.

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