
Can someone assist me with a problem after a meditation session?

by  |  earlier

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I'm interested in Celtic Shamanism. I was in my sacred circle and trying to get in touch with my power animal. I went to the cove like I've done previously and nothing really seemed out of place, I get to the cove and I have a very uneasy feeling, I walk inside to find my power animal but instead I find a tall figure standing where my power animal usually rested. The figure turns around, and it's an older man 50-ish with reddish-brown hair and a full beard. He is wearing what looked like an alter boy's robe. His facial expression disturbed me, it looked like intense fear but did not say a word. He was pointing at me and I looked down and noticed that his right hand was broken and the fingers were contorted. I quickly left and was able to get out of meditation. I grounded myself and left my circle. Now every time that I close my eyes, I see this man as if he's here. I don't mean in my mind, but in my house and I do not know what to do about it!




  1. What many people that do not understand is that most demonic forces can appear as anything that they wish to and no human mind can tell the difference, And only an angel or a demon can get into you mind.... The only thing is a angel will not come back and haunt you.... And many people that are capable of going into a trance like state while meditating are wide open to demonic attacks.........

  2. Hello

    During meditation you will find that what you see is an aspect of yourself in such cases, it is nothing bad or evil.

    It is a part of you trying to talk, go back & say hello. Are you right handed? the message many be about something that your trying to achieve.

    Spiritually speaking an older person of the same gender can be seen as the higher self.

    Your circle should be giving you this type of guidance, maybe you should leave if they are not aiding your growth with practical wisdom?


  3. If you close your eyes how do you see the man in your house?

    Or do you mean you see him when you open them again?

    Edit: Okay......   well, what would happen if you closed your eyes, 'saw' him in your living room and then, keeping your eyes closed so that he is still there walk into your living room, right up to him and give him a poke. If you can't do that you'd have to start wondering if he was really there in your living room at all.

  4. Buy yourself a .22 and that sonabitch won't come back.

  5. Stop your meditation sessions. These things can allow demons to enter into your house and life and wreak havoc. I suggest that you get a pastor to help you.

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