
Can someone be happy in their marriage yet still cheat on their partner?

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Can someone be happy in their marriage yet still cheat on their partner?




  1. Probably, but once the other partner finds out it won't be a happy marriage anymore. :(

  2. The question you need to ask is are you really happy?

    Why would you feel the need to look outside of your marriage for satisfaction unless something was missing in your relationship. Perhaps you feel taken for granted and this other person makes you feel special. Perhaps you're bored and you're looking for a bit of excitement.

    Everbody is entitled to their fantasy but it should remain a fantasy not a reality.  

  3. yes, it happens to people who are greedy and selfish!!

  4. No. unless they have some illness like s*x addiction- they can't be fully content and happy if they are willing to cheat.

    Grass Greener

  5. If they are pig yeah.  

  6. Yep! Simple as that

    I like Rosa's answer - like women don't do this type of thing as well - oh dear!!

  7. They can still love their partner and cheat. Some people are weak and do it for the thrills.

    It doesnt mean they dont love their other half but it still doesn't condone doing it

  8.'s called having your cake and eating it

  9. If they're pig b*****d then yes.

  10. nope!   There is no way if they were happy in their marriage, they wouldn't have the need to cheat.

    Really hope your not, or not being cheated on.

    It really hurts the other person in the relationship

  11. It's not right but happens all the time

  12. Yes, they convince themselves it means nothing and what their partner doesn't know can't hurt them. it's a dangerous game though...many have come unstuck.

  13. if someone has to go outside the marriage period, i'd say they aren't happy in their marriage. and cheating is such a cop out. not only does it violate the sacredness of marriage (Hebrews 13:4) but it's also unfair to th innocent party. people need to work harder at sticking together instead of running when things aren't always smooth.

  14. Yes, they may be happy with their partner & their marriage however, they may have other issues. Cheating isn't always only about one being unhappy.  It can also be about "ego"  It can be about opportunity. It can be about just being selfish. It can be about pay back. It can be about addiction. It can be about a dare. In any event, it's about one's personal insecurities and Not always about their happiness in their marriage. While it may affect the partner,  it may simply have nothing to do with them personally.

    p.s.  this may be an unpopular answer but ...  think about it.

  15. if you were both happy in your marriage you wouldn't need to cheat its not worth losing your marriage over.

  16. What the naked chef said. It's also known as being a selfish see you next tuesday.

  17. It is called being devious and unfaithful to someone you are supposed to love.  If you loved your husband, you would not want him hurt.  You will get caught, eventually, and he will hurt.  Is this how you prove your love?

  18. I agree with Heather, once the partner finds out there is cheating going on the marriage won't be happy anymore, lol!

    Then what, may I ask?  hmmm...  my guess is, divorce!

  19. yes, greedy people do that.

  20. Not to me, "cheating" implies that you are unsatisfied and are seeking outside your space for what you're looking for. You can't be unsatisfied and call yourself content.

    If it were an open relationship though, that'd be a different story, and I'd say yes.

  21. I would say yes someone could be "happy" but still have an affair!  Even happy people can get bored and can wonder if the grass is greener on the other side OR just want the thrill or excitement of a new sexual partner!

    Does it make it right?  NO NO NO NO NO

  22. me and my husband have discussed this issue.we are both in love with each other so neither of us has ever felt the urge to stray.i do worry sometimes though because my husband is a very passionate man and since i was treated for cancer last year my s*x drive is extremly low and we have gone from making love everyday to just once a month.when we do have s*x its always fantastic but he still insists that even though we are not as intimate as he would like us to be he has never wanted to go with another i cant see why if someone was happy in their marraige they would want to have an affair it doesn't make sense to me.

  23. unfortunately

  24. NO NO NO.  A happy marriage rules out cheating, beating, murdering your spouse, or dating ANYBODY, except your spouse.  Now, some cheaters do enjoy the"forbidden fruit" aspect of cheating.  It's juvenile behavior, and reveals that the cheater is a lying, low class, scuzball.  Sadly, it's very common today.  Heck, folks seem proud of the fact they cheat.  Like it's some badge of modern achievement.  Cheating was scummy a hundred years ago, and it's just as scummy today.

  25. No. You are not truly happy if you have to cheat on your partner.

    In my opinion, before you cheat, you would be much better talking to your partner about your feelings and if nothing can be done, end the relationship.

    Having your partner cheat on you can be devastating.

  26. Yes, if it's an open marriage..otherwise it's not honest and truly happy.

  27. Define happiness? I don't believe they can be truly happy.  

  28. Yes it is possible, You can still make love to your Husband/Wife still be happy in their company, Love them Dearly,  Never want to hurt them... etc, but if you find a new Lover it can be exciting, dangerous, taboo. Some may say that it is Greedy, I agree, but if you get tired of the same routine change is what you crave, even if you love your partner, and are happy the way things are with them, but you would consider it as having two different lives, and sometimes think I will stop this but its fun for now and they will never find out anyway, and when it lasts for a long time it can make a happy marriage into a sad one, even if your H/W never knew about the affair.

  29. those people who can neer be satisfied no matter what, do it . i call them dogs  

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