
Can someone cheer me up today?

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imam crying so bad because i miss all my love ones that have died my mom 2 brothers dad and nephew and n2 nieces i cant stop crying help anyone please imam sad




  1. dont worry, b happy!!


  2. What would you tell them if you were in their place, and they were still alive? Would you want to be cried over every single day? NO! You'd say, go out and enjoy life because you are still living =) You'd tell them this is an amazing time that they are just wasting away, instead of focusing on the things that are still beautiful and amazing in life. They are in a place where they are with you all the time, where they are watching over you, cheering you on through life. They are in a place you can talk to them anytime you need to, and you have that many more angels looking over you because they loved you. SMILE sweetie. See them smiling at you too-they aren't crying, and they are just as far away from you as you are from them. They know, that you will be together again sooner than you think, and they know that you still have a purpose you need to fulfill here. They can see that even if you can't. Think of the good times, the funny times, the happy times with them, because that is how they live on-through you =) SO LIVE! Live on for all of them, and enjoy your life like they want you to. Easier said than done, I know, but the first step is always the hardest, go do something for yourself today. Don't take life so seriously, because in the end, it's JUST life-it's not eternity. Take care and SMILE, laugh, listen to your favorite song, then get out of the house!

  3. I too have lost loved ones, but i feel better knowing that they are in a better place, one where they are happy. They may not be visible, but they are with you, they can see you're sad, its natural. Maybe call up a close friend and discuss with them how you are feeling. That helps a lot. Hope you feel a bit better soon.

  4. cheer up!...that's what they would want you to do if they were around. They wouldn't want to see you like this. Keep your head up...tomorrow the sun will rise.

  5. i am so sorry about your loss but all i can do to tell you is just remember the good times that you had with them all and  i can try to help you as much as possible do to that i had just lost a loved one just as well and i am watching another one of my good friends kill himself as well

  6. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


  7. ? How old are you. wow. I'm so sorry to hear that. Um... if it makes you feel better - it's all part of the circle of life. You're the only one now, but just imagine that people have been on the earth for thousands of years, and everybody, even 2000 years ago, lived their lives, had so much fun, hung out with their friends, went to go see plays, and listened to live music and had such great lives, and then they died off so that the next people could come and enjoy these things. This has been happening for thousands and thousands of years. No one is alive today that has been around back then. And in 10000 years, no one from today will be alive either. Death is really a natural part of being human, everyone has to do it, and who knows what happens on the other side! it could be great (I think it will be), but I'm sorry you had to be left alone this way. It can't be fun. God bless you.

    But i

  8. The best way to cheer up after a loss is to let the grieving do it's thing. We grieve because of the love we had and lost.  That doesn't mean you won't get it back in some other way. When my sister died, I found other girlfriends to take her place.  When my mother died, my daughter was able to fill that void. Losing someone makes you appreciate the ones you have even more.  It gives them added value that they wouldn't normally have.  That's what's going to make you a better person in the long run.

    No, I can't cheer you up now, nor would I want to, but I hope my words of encouragement give you the hope you need to hang in just one more day.  That's all you need to make it to tomorrow.

  9. Look at pictures and try to keep them off your mind even though you love them.  

  10. its okay to be sad... just think of the good times... close your eyes and try to remember what you did when you were little, all the times you got in trouble and how funny it is that you just HAD to do what mom said not to... just think of the happy times and be glad that those can never leave you

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