
Can someone create a good excercise plan that includes dieting and excercise?

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Can you create a good plan for me? I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds in 1 week and a half. Can you create a plan that can accomplish this? I'm 16, female, 5'7 and a half, and weigh 135. I have stairs




  1. Try doing HITT it worked great for me. There is no need to do more than 25 min. It beats running for 40 min by far. do this atleast 4 times a week and try to put a littel weight training in there.   Dont try and lose weight too fast. If you are losing more than 2 lbs a week you might be loing muscle(catabolic, you can google it)

    *WIth HITT you will not over work your self like you might by doing full run or jog for 20-40 min like most people.

    * With HITT you should stay in you target hart range.

    *you will burn more calories from fat while preserving muscle

    23 hours ago

    Here is a idea of what my diet looks like but it will need to be adjusted to your activaty leval, weight, etc...

    Breakfast Cereal with low fat milk and Low cal protein shake( muscle milk light or gold standard whey)

    mid morning snack" Nuts of some sort, or maybe some cheese( I can’t think of other good snacks right now)

    Lunch: Sandwich with 100%whole wheat bread veggies and some kind of meat with low % fat (you want to stay away from fat) keep it blow say 10% or even lower when it comes to meat

    Mid afternoon snack ( some kind of snack loaded with protein like nuts or another protein shake if you can handle that)

    Dinner ( don’t eat a big dinner) Lean source of protein like chicken, lean ground beef, top sirloin stake,

    bedtime if you go to bed around 10 and need a snack eat some low fat cottage cheese around 9 or so

    Work out 1 hr after eating a serving of Protien and carbs(like your breakfast meal) following your work out with a foot high in protien( a shake is great)  with a gaterade.

    I think this diet can get you started but you need to find out what cal intake you need. There are web sites that can assist with that according to your weight and activity level.

  2.      Well first off, if you are trying to lose weight, 10 lbs in a week and a half is very unhealthy. If you lose about 2 lbs a week, that is a lot more healthy. It takes longer but it keeps you healthy as you are losing the weight.

        Ok you have to eat healthy foods, such as grains(whole grain), vegetables, fruits, and lots of milk for calcium. eat about 3-5 servings of fruits and 4-6 servings of vegetables a day. so eat maybe 1 apple, 1 banana, and 1 orange or something to that effect. You want to eat some meat as well so you can get the protein you need for your body.

        With exercise, Run about 1-2 miles every other day. do some sit ups and crunches to help your stomach and abs. do some weight lifting ( I know your saying "I'm a girl, why would I weight lift?") But it helps a lot. You need to exercise and do something every day. rest on saturday and sunday so that your not wearing your body out.

        But that's my advise to you and I hope it helps you out.

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