
Can someone define Capricorns for me?

by Guest60226  |  earlier

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I don't get them except that they are business-y people.

Aries are "me first"

Taurus are down-to-earth and like fancy things

Gemini is quick-witted and social but always feels alone

Cancers are the mothers of the zodiac

Leos are proud and flashy

Virgos are divine and beautiful (but I don't quite get them either)

Libras are diplomatic flirts who are wishy washy

Scorpios are secretive and sexual

Sagittarius is the life of the party, goes anywhere


Aquarius likes the eccentric, the unusual

Pisces are dreamers with multiple personalities.




  1. Capricorns are status seeking. They are always working for the future, climbing that mountain until the top. That makes way for its symbol the Mountain goat. They are hard working, prudent, self disciplined and patient. But they can also be egotistical, cold, and always think their way is best. The greatest strength of this sign is that they can work their way to the top of anything they want

  2. Capricorns are the businessmen of the Zodiac.

    They lack the "raging bull" stubbornness of Taurus

    They lack the ethereal perfectionism of the Virgo

    For this reason, Caps usually fly beneath the radar....until they make their first million! lol

    They are conservative, dependable and consistent....which translates to lots of people (especially in our society) as BORING....again....until they make their first million! LOL!!

  3. independant strong willed stubborn caring strong

  4. Capricorns are deep

    We feel strongly with everything we do.

  5. independent, solo types who look down on others. Also silly deep down inside.

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