
Can someone define a fake person, or a phony?

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What does it mean exactly when people say someone is a phony or is fake? I have an idea, but I want to clarify.




  1. anyone who projects an image of someone they are not.

  2. A fake person is someone that can talk with you and laugh and act like they may be enjoying themselves then turn around and gossip, talk..., say what makes them feel good...even if it means hurting you...Fake, False, pretentious...the older I get the less I want anything to do with these type of people...on judgement day we will see all these fake plastic people ....POOF....Melt...God doesn't like fake or pretentious either....Oh Happy Day...Good Night... :)

  3. that there arn't being themselves that there pretending to be someone else and that perhaps they want to see the real person. but there too wraped up on caring what other people want to see of them that they create this fake person that they try and pretend to be.

  4. Is when a person tries to create an illusion of one's self. They try to fool others into liking them. They cannnot be true to any 1 person, not even themselves. It usually starts when someone trying to hard to make friends or wants a favorable impression.

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