
Can someone describe the threat of warming Artic climate to polar bears?

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Can someone describe the threat of warming Artic climate to polar bears?




  1. There are none, this warming stuff is a fraud

  2. let the polar bears die, I'm sure you have no feelings for them or the millions of species that are extinct.

  3. Polar bears travel and rest on the ice, they also need a place for their young which can't swim long distances.

    You will see several comment here about the population doubling over the last 25 years, if they had done some real research they would have found out that ~25 years ago international laws came into play banning the wholesale hunting of bears that had been happening on a large scale.

  4. I like docs answer it shows a complete lack of understanding of science and he complains those who give him thumbs down don't show logic.

    O.K. Logic, the clear melting in the Arctic is happening over decades, evolving to adapt to such change takes thousands of years at least, and if "green" thing do grow and encourage foraging animals that helps how, if you are a very large bear evolved to hunt on white ice and a bright white/cream colour, how well do green tundra camoflarge you?  

  5. I just learnt about this at school.

    Its not the fact that the ice is melting, its that it is melting earlier than usual.

    The polar bears use the ice to hunt on,

    they cant hunt when theyre in the water.

    They wait for the seals to jump up onto the ice and then they pounce but if there is no ice the polar bears can not hunt.

    Meaning they starve or they will try to swim between the glaciers but as they swim the ice melts then they drown.

  6. Surely you're joking. Are you REALLY asking someone to walk up to a polar bear and start a conversation about climate change?

  7. There is none.The polar bear population has doubled in the last 25 years. The enviroment comercials and ads show you pictures of 3 bears floating on an ice dohicky, and telling you that Arctic ice is melting. Wrong  that photo was taken in August, when it is natural for some ice to break away. Follow ups have found those 3 bears are alive and well. Also its been one of the coldest years yet in like the past 15 years. also there was something about 4 dead polar bears that died bc of us when in actuality they were all very old  and were at the same pint because of curents and an under water mountain they had ended up together and stoped moving.

  8. They will evolve to have lighter coats.

    More green things will grow at higher and higher altitudes and hence, more animals that forage will move up into the areas once frequented by fewer animals than now exist in those climes, therefore the bear populations will increase.

  9. All the commercials you see on tv, like the one with the sad looking bears stuck on a piece of ice are rubbish!  I can't believe that some of these eco-terrorists would stoop so low as to show something like this.  (Polar bears are excellent swimmers...equally at home in water or on land).  These commercials are all about global warming and getting money to help the bears.  Well...excuse me but...what the f*() are they going to do, toss fish and seals to them?  Sheesh!

    The bear populations are all doing fine, growing and they're totally oblivious to what some people think is global warming.  Their numbers are growing and they are more plentiful now that at any time in the past.  

  10. The only problems the bears have is that they are over breeding and the massively expanded population is greater than the food supply.

  11. They will just move onward! probably to your back yard

  12. There is none, or they'd starve to extinction every summer.

  13. That's actually very straightforward.  Polar bears depend on fish and seals for their food. To reach the fish and seals, they have to travel over the sea ice to get to them. If the ice melts, the bears have no way to get to their food sources. So they starve.

  14. There is none.The polar bear population has doubled in the last 25 years. The enviro nuts will try to convince you that the bears are in trouble, by showing you pictures of 3 bears floating on an ice floe, and telling you that Arctic ice is melting. This is not true. This past winter was one of the coldest in the last ten years in the Arctic region. If you happened to see that photo of the 3 bears floating, that photo was taken in August, when it is natural for some ice to break away. Follow ups have found those 3 bears are alive and well.

  15. Global warming is effecting the arctic and antarctic polar ice caps. The increasing temperature melts the ice caps more and more each year, which is warming the waters. The polar bears swim and basically live off the ocean and the melting ice also makes it so that the polar bears have less places to live, which would be considered decreasing habitat.  

  16. Basically global warming is causing the Arctic to warm rapidly, which is causing sea ice to melt rapidly.  Polar bears require sea ice to hunt, so if the sea ice melts too early and too much, they can't get enough food.  This causes some to die of starvation, and females may not have enough energy to have cubs.

    See the link below for an interview with a Canadian biologist who studies polar bear populations.

  17. the 'threat' to polar bears exist in the idiotic minds of the eco-lawyers from the Center for Biological Diversity, the Wilderness Society, and the several other enviro-nut groups which have sued in the greenie/liberal/socialistic 9th federal reality, there is not a credible threat to polar bears from the idiocy of AGW...want proof?  This species of bear survived the so called 'medieval warm period' which resulted in the significant retreat of the ice flows from what we have today, during this time the Norse raiders moved into what is now Greenland, which by the way is anything but 'green', no the bears will be ok, hey, maybe we can feed them some enviro-nuts?  sorry, just kidding.  

  18. I went to the King Polar Bear.

    I gave His Majesty a Box of Nads.

    I departed quickly !

  19. They will lose hunting ground and die out basically.

  20. None

    1. Their is currently no warming  outside of seasonal flux taking place in the Artic.

    2. Polar Bear population is on the rise .


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