
Can someone describe what the bloody show looks like?

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I lost my plug over a week ago and I think I just had my bloody show, but I'm not sure. It looked like reddish/pinkish mucus kind of.

I'm 39+5, 5cm and almost fully effaced...

Does that sound like a bloody show or what do you think it is?




  1. that doesnt sound like a bloody show and in fact i would call the doctor. The "bloody show " is a yellowish Clear discharge that has traces of blood through it. It looks exactly like snot from your nose. There is a lot of it, its not just a little something that you might find in your underwear. And yes, you have to have contractions to be in labor. 5 cm seems like a lot to just be walking around and not being in labor. you are already halfway dilated but havent had contractions? something doesnt sound right. you should really call the dr.

  2. bloody show pretty much is blood- sometimes it can be "mucus-y" - pretty much how you described it!

    What are you doing online- you're practically in active labor at 5 cm! go to the hospital and have your baby!

  3. Um, PLEASE go to the doctor and have your baby. My doctor was JUST telling me yesterday that she had a lady who was dialted to 5cm for like a week straight and she was basically BEGGING Her to just go to the hospital. So the lady went that afternoon, they poped her water and my doc told me she had it in 20 minutes! So GO TO THE HOSPITAL :) :) good luck!

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