
Can someone direct me to a sorting HTML code?

by  |  earlier

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I need a sorting code, HTML, PHP, or Javascript. Like this, where people can click on the genre or author and it will direct you to a page with other series of the same authors/genres.

Please tell me where to get it, I don't know what it's called or how to get it. Also maybe a page that tells me how to install and use it. Thanks~




  1. I had a quick look at the site. The information for the site is being drawn in from a database. One of the sorting links looks like


    So the HTML/PHP/Javascipt isn't doing anything, but the database is probably working reasonably hard to order the data. The SQL probably looks something like

    "select Title, Genre, Year, Rating from mangadb where titleletter='$letter' order by Year asc;"

    The php or whatever it is is then just creating the html table containing the results.

    You probably could read all the results into a multidimensional array and then use php's sort() function to order it, but the database will be more efficient and less effort.

    Have a look at or for more info.

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